Just a creature

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Just a creature


Primarily noted for having a cat: However, I have also an additional cat. Otherwise disappointed. Hurts.
Me restraining my cat while accepting my pizza delivery.
Hot coffee on a cool morning is a sweet pleasure, please RT
Stolen from a colleague…
Getty has photos of the New York cop who accidentally pepper-sprayed himself while trying to hit a protester yesterday.
If you have access to Twitter, you can see a perfect video clip of how this self-injury occurred. McCarthy is a very tall man with a shaved head and no hat. It's the last half-dozen seconds of Ali's video: twitter.com/MerruX/statu...
It's comforting to know that whenever I want to talk to someone, I can sit alone and stare silently at the blue jay nest in my yard.
The adult authors who take potshots at young adult authors are looking down at authors who are visiting schools and working with kids and promoting literacy. That work is essential and good, actually. Don't be twats.
Sometimes I forget how depressing life can be. Not very often, though
“Funny story,” I say over the sound of cackling coming from the attic. But I can see in their eyes that I will not be selling this house today
i thought this recent news sounded really awful but then the chronological details were even worse. from www.haaretz.com/israel-news/...
Everyone who’s complaining that the bloodbath comment was taken out of context can fuck right off. Tough shit. Opponents are making a big fuss over something that’s being willfully twisted and you think it’s unfair? Boo fucking hoo. It must suck to have someone copy your signature move.
In a drastic attempt to protect their beachfront homes, residents in Salisbury, Massachusetts, invested $500,000 in a sand dune to defend against encroaching tides. After being completed last week, the barrier made from 14,000 tons of sand lasted just 72 hours before it was completely washed away
$500K Dune Built to Protect Coastal Homes Lasts Just 3 Dayswww.thedailybeast.com The handmade barrier, which used 14,000 tons of sand, quickly crumbled.
"As Richie Cunningham awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic nerd." - Fonz Kafka
One of these guys is depressed and disappointed yet pragmatic; the other thinks that conservatives will show support for Palestinians.
BREAKING: U.S. Air Force employee charged with giving classified information to woman he met on dating site
today sucks, i wish i were an embryo just chillin' in the freezer with a lot of human rights
Conservatives have long hosted two approaches to sexuality in their coalition: Heritage, evangelical-style sexual Puritanism, and Trumpish, “barstool”-style boorish sexual entitlement. Some people think these are hard to reconcile, but the central aim of both is the domination and control of women.
When they’re right, they’re right, I completely agree that conservatives should make “ending recreational sex” their central issue
(me making fun of your crop rotation idea and thereby holding our people back another 5000 years) jeff thinks the beans have to take turns lmao
Salt and pepper shakers add an air of mystique to any bathroom
This is one of the primary goals of "AI" these days: to create an empty chair that takes the blame for corporate misconduct. We didn't discriminate, the AI told us who to hire. We didn't wrongfully reject the health insurance claim, the AI told us to. And on and on.
Love this story: Air Canada's chatbot gives false advice on booking a bereavement ticket, guy gets screwed, then Air Canada then argues its chatbot is a SEPARATE LEGAL ENTITY FROM THEM THAT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ITS OWN ACTIONS. lol wut anyway they lost the case hardcore www.cbc.ca/news/canada/...
"An armed society is a polite society" I scream as dozens of people around me simultaneously draw their implements of death and fire indiscriminately into the crowd because they all thought someone called them an assclown.
Breaking News: The shooting at the Kansas City Super Bowl rally that killed one person and injured at least 21 others appeared to have stemmed from an argument between several people, officials said.
Police Say Argument Likely Led to Shooting at Kansas City Super Bowl Celebrationwww.nytimes.com The authorities ruled out terrorism as a motive. As thousands were gathered, 1 person was killed, and at least 21 others were injured.
so if this reporting is accurate, this was just a thing that happens when people are walking around armed. Wonder if you could, like, draw any conclusions from that.
Breaking News: The shooting at the Kansas City Super Bowl rally that killed one person and injured at least 21 others appeared to have stemmed from an argument between several people, officials said.
Police Say Argument Likely Led to Shooting at Kansas City Super Bowl Celebrationwww.nytimes.com The authorities ruled out terrorism as a motive. As thousands were gathered, 1 person was killed, and at least 21 others were injured.
Bill Clinton banned assault weapons in 1994; mass shootings dropped by 43%. George W. Bush and the GOP let the assault weapons ban expire in 2004; mass shootings increased by 245%. These numbers tell the whole story.
all jokes aside, we shouldn't forget the real Reason for the Season
Wall Street is forcing Americans to invest their life savings to prop up Big Oil. Our IRA’s shouldn’t serve those creating a planet not worth retiring on. Join us to march virtually to get Wall Street to give everyone climate-friendly options: RetireBigOil.org / @retirebigoil #RetireBigOil
The Dollarama camera made me appear OLD and FAT, and then the "plain leg" sweatpants I ordered arrived with ELASTICIZED ANKLES, so be DAMNED SURE that I'll SUMMON a POLICE
Pretty much everything else is terrible, so look at Charlie
maybe no one is building a time machine in the future because everyone is dead
Is your child texting about Moby-Dick; or, the Whale? WTF = whale time, friends LOL = love old leviathans SMH = spermaceti-making head TBH = the biggest harpoon STFU = shut that Fedallah up TFW = that fuckin' whale QOTD = Queequeg on the deck! IANAL = Ishmael alone needs a lifeboat
🐦 North America has lost 3 billion birds in half a century. For my Climate Lab column, I made an app where you can see the population trend for almost any bird species in the United States. Play with it here: www.washingtonpost.com/climate-envi...
Analysis | Bird populations are declining. Some are in your neighborhood.www.washingtonpost.com North America has lost 3 billion birds in half a century. The world’s biggest bird database, eBird, shows how bird populations are doing in your town.