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He/Him, 37, cishet white guy, anarchist at heart, communist in practice, trans rights are human rights, bigots of all kinds can eat my ass.

Letterboxd: https://boxd.it/Bp8T
Marathon: https://marathontv.app/profile/fUQzDIaX7nRu3AsxbyRE4rurGiT2
I think you may be misunderstanding their post. I at least read it as "it's funny he reposted this article that paints him so negatively, as I'd not have seen it otherwise and not known he sucked. He was hoist by his own petard."
Reposted byAvatar Electrichead
And why do they call it “Gooning,” anyways? “Gooning” sounds like what a henchman for a Batman villain does for work. I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t exactly sound like my idea of fun. Well, maybe if I worked for Catwoman. Now there’s a woman I wouldn’t mind Gooning for.
Reposted byAvatar Electrichead
When did everyone start Gooning, and why are they talking about it publicly? It used to be the case that masturbating was done as quickly as possible in the brief moments where no one was in the computer room and was between you, god, and your Lara Croft Nude search results
Their version of The Prisoner is real fun.
You can literally just ghost him on one mission and he'll just go get himself killed without you and that's canon imo
I want to describe the cartoon lady as "fake Nuka Girl," but this predates Nuka Girl so Nuka Girl might actually be fake Bawls girl and I'm sorry I just can't handle that at this point in my life.
I wish instead of this stuff they had done a survival mode.
I gotta be real with you, outside of my first play through I've just let that serial killer off his stupid cousin or whatever, fuck him.
Reposted byAvatar Electrichead
Was messing around with RetroAchievements stuff and my daughter (4) came in and beat Smash Bros Melee on her very first attempt. Kind of awesome! Also Smash Bros Melee is a trash game for literal children, suck it losers
If he rest of the leg has tattoos it's fine but this? Nah...
Honestly if he was just putting stuff in a microwave this would fall under "dudes rock," but then it's all that other gun shit so nah.
My favorite trivia fact about Bawls is they paid to have all the Nuka Cola in Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel replaced with it so that game is full of shit like this.
I hate the USPS but also believe the solution to that is "give them a bunch of money."
If you hire double the people and pay them all twice as much I bet all my complaints would evaporate overnight lol
Sorry got it backwards:
It's always good to bring up the time I accidentally stumbled on Dave Weigel's old Whedonesque account from his college days, where he described himself as "a Reagan Republican second and a Buffy fan first".
Oh did you not see the "Reagan republican first, Buffy fan second" shit? Lmao
This might be considered too far, but I gotta say it: this guy stinks!
Asses as flat as the prairie...
As a guy from Iowa, you haven't seen many Midwesterners, huh?
I feel like one can have the properties of a penis (oddly shaped, unseemly, etc) without HAVING a penis, but it's probably best to err on the side of caution.
The John and Jim Belushi of Canadian politics.
Finally some good fuckin news
"Yes, you stopped selling movies, what the fuck am I gonna buy with this, a new washing machine???"
I'll believe it when I see it.
I liked their first album which was just silly covers of 80s metal songs. Then they started pretending to be a real band and lost me.
Counterpoint: no one respects Fozzy, they are a vanity project.
#TheMetalDogArticleList #BLABBERMOUTH CHRIS JERICHO: 'We Had To Work Twice As Hard To Get People's Respect With FOZZY' blabbermouth.net/news/chris-j... #ChrisJericho #FOZZY #RockNRoll #ProWrestling #MasterYoda
If he just said it was annoying and sucked we would all agree, but even this he has to make about how he's a nazi. Fuckin weird.
I bet the charts showing his direct involvement on a project and the quality of the project are exactly the same but inverse.