Elizabeth Cleland, for now

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Elizabeth Cleland, for now


Domestic abuse advocate, researcher, survivor. Your friendly neighbourhood DA Champion. A reader, a singer, a takes-long-walks-er. Now and then I write silly things.
Can present talks on the relationship between DA & extremism/terrorism -- reach out!
stumbled onto this lynda Barry comic again which always makes me a little verklempt
In addition to the classic critter feeds, we’ve got some more recent fun critter-y feeds! 🪶🌿🧪 Marine Mammal Science 🐋🦭 bsky.app/profile/did:... Bioacoustics 🦇🐸🦉🐋 bsky.app/profile/did:... Zoosky!🦇 (posts from Bluesky’s zoos and aquariums) bsky.app/profile/did:...
Oh hi, it’s me again reminding yall that we have feeds for all kinds of critters! Photography, art, science, news, & more welcome! 🦊Mammals: bsky.app/profile/did:... 🦉Birds: bsky.app/profile/did:... 🦑Marine Life: bsky.app/profile/did:... 🐍Herps: bsky.app/profile/did:...
Don't ever tell me that being goofy is something I'm supposed to grow out of. Goofy is for life. I'll go to my grave goofy
THRILLED to have spoken at this! Every presenter gave fascinating talks on this timely, important topic. Mine was on links between domestic abuse & extremism, with some great conversations afterward. Big shout-out to @narson.bsky.social & @siobhanhyland.bsky.social for making it happen. 🧪 #science
Just under a month left on this call for papers/proposals. If you don't want to give a paper, but would like to attend let me know so I can tell you once we have registration open. Will be relevant to academics, people working in charity/education/police/Local Gov countering or monitoring extremism.
eating a bucket of cherries in bed like an akkadian princess not getting up for the warlords in the courtyard shout all you like ark-mayek the formidable you're not getting my trade routes
Am on it. Please do the same if you’re an O.
UK folks: London hospital ransomware attack is causing them to rapidly deplete their supply of O- (and to some extent, O+) blood. If you have type O blood, please consider donating ASAP.
I know we've all had our fill of Northern Lights posts, but it's important we appreciate somebody who's funnier than us 📷
Happy birthday to astrophysicist Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin (1900-1979), a trailblazer for women in #astronomy who discovered that hydrogen & helium are the most common elements in the universe.⁠ 🐡🧪👩🏼‍🔬🎢🔭 ⁠ Born England, she won a scholarship to Newnham College at Cambridge in 1919 where she heard 🧵1/n
On the evening of May 10th, 2024, the skies over southern England were visited by the Northern Lights. 🌱 📷
I've learned that people who work in the most 'dark'/'depressing' fields are often also the most positive people you'll ever meet. It makes sense -- if you know how to 'shut off' at the end of the day & maintain your sense of humour, you can stick around longer! #academicsky #polisky
Very privileged to be given a seat at VISION Consortium's Adolescent Domestic Abuse Conference earlier this week. Truly excellent research was presented that day. Some important conversations were started, and as always I'm inspired by the many intelligent, dedicated women in this field! #polisky
Full disclosure: Everything I've every posted on BlueSky has been Al-generated content
It's finally wisteria season let's gooooo! 🌱🌺
Ain't no time like springtime 🤠 🌱📷
Made my own pico for the first time in a long time. Came out great! Put it on the rest of dinner, roast broccoli and veggie sausage. 🍽️
Life is short. Tell people when you like them. Ask them out. Because you never know. Don't spend your time on people who make you feel less. Ever. Show people you care. There are myriad ways to do this. Be silly. Every day. For no reason, but joy.
The longer I do this work, the more I am of the opinion that -- intellectually, literally, metaphorically, emotionally, spiritually, physiologically -- if a rape or sexual assault was your "first time," no it wasn't.
Made the EASIEST pie for dinner tonight. Just pre-made, thawed puff pastry wrapped around fish and sliced leeks -- fantastic! 🍽️
Not only is borrowing books from the library something you can do, it's something you *should* do. Supporting libraries is good for authors *and* it's good for libraries. Go get a card, walk inside, take out some books, read the books, books are great, libraries are great, life is amazing.
An author hopped into the replies of someone who posted about borrowing their book from a library and enjoying it. Never seen a ratio like this. Libraries rule, get wrecked.
me, on my plow, looking at the bones of the dead olga tokarczuk: drive over them me: no olga 📚💙
Easter Sunday I'll be running in the Kew Gardens Half Marathon for cancer research. My friend is a survivor, another friend lost his mother, my neighbour lost his wife of fifty years, and everyone else I know has been affected in some way by this terrible disease. Please share to show you care ✌️
Donate to fund critical cancer research, organized by Elizabeth Clelandwww.gofundme.com Do you want to join me in making a difference? I'm running in the Kew Garden… Elizabeth Cleland needs your support for Donate to fund critical cancer research
Excellent example of an armadillo getting a jump scare.
Hello London! Feeling very lucky to be here. 🌱
I’m so glad I grew up on earth
Hey artists 👋 The AI Moderation Service, @aimod.social, is up and running! You can subscribe to the service and submit reports directly in the Bluesky app, and labeled users and posts will be hidden for you. Please spread the word, try it out, and let me know if you have any feedback. Thanks!
ME [when I’m losing]: It’s not about winning or losing
EVERY time I speak about abuse, a man will come up to me afterward saying it happened to him, too. And I always say: it is far more common than anyone thinks, there are people who care, there are people & orgs that want to help. The first step is someone talking about it. (Thank you for sharing)
polygamy is really tough for a lot of us to understand, much less accept. how would you react if, for example, you found out your uncle was entering a group marriage? you might be confused, and perhaps even resentful. just try to remember that it’s a complicated issue that requires some new aunts