mx elle is eepy

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mx elle is eepy

i’m not a girl, not interested in being polite or cisgender. jewish, anarchist, still punk, in my daddy era.

this is not a place of honor.
no highly esteemed thoughts are skeeted here.

oaklandelle at gmail, shoot your shot!
like, come ON! could they BE any cuter?!
idk if it helps, but i’m still masking! this is a public transit shot from this weekend. :)
anyway, i think the skyline needs some bad art.
the doodling will continue until morale improves (or until i get bored)
there’s a weird, off-center, wildly unnecessary window in one of my walls, and i’ve decided that the only reasonable solution is m e g a p a i n t i n g (earring magic ken for scale)
“elle, what are you doing while you’re not working?”
feelin’ cute, might delete
good thing i screenshotted.
y’all won’t believe what this is a reply to. 😒
i couldn’t resist, i drew another terrible comic
i heard it was bad comics day.
anyway, off to the dmv, i guess 🤷🏼‍♀️
why would you use ai when you could simply flip a coin?!
walking into the next year of my life like
i always struggled with “favorites,” but i love a lot of bioware’s games, i love a lot of bethesda games… sierra put out a bunch of things i loved in the 90s. i loved a lot of the nintendo classics as they’ve evolved!
feeling too shit to go out tonight, so i’ve taken an edible, lit the shabbat candles, and settled into the couch for a quiet evening. keep me company?
@armageddon1312: Send me anonymous messages! NGL: Anonymous Q&A
i couldn’t even have guessed 5 years ago, and a bunch of my childhood was before home internet was even a thing. there is no way i could have imagined my life today, partially because in a lot of ways most aspects of it weren’t even an option yet.
feeling too shit to go out tonight, so i’ve taken an edible, lit the shabbat candles, and settled into the couch for a quiet evening. keep me company?
@armageddon1312: Send me anonymous messages! NGL: Anonymous Q&A
i’ve only seen him a couple times over the last few months, i think possibly because of some baby steves? but the scrub jays also just started coming back, so maybe i’ll start seeing him more again!
feeling too shit to go out tonight, so i’ve taken an edible, lit the shabbat candles, and settled into the couch for a quiet evening. keep me company?
@armageddon1312: Send me anonymous messages! NGL: Anonymous Q&A
it is pride month, i’m putting on melissa etheridge, and i am singing along despite the long covid cough.
feeling too shit to go out tonight, so i’ve taken an edible, lit the shabbat candles, and settled into the couch for a quiet evening. keep me company?
@armageddon1312: Send me anonymous messages! NGL: Anonymous Q&A
it’s summertime, so i am ALL ABOUT THE COOKOUT. lately i’ve been really loving a red wine vinegar, sumac, lemon, mustard, and olive oil emulsion as a marinade for grilled onions, zucchini, eggplant, and sweet peppers lately, and making extra marinade to use as dressing on a fresh salad. :)
feeling too shit to go out tonight, so i’ve taken an edible, lit the shabbat candles, and settled into the couch for a quiet evening. keep me company?
@armageddon1312: Send me anonymous messages! NGL: Anonymous Q&A
i think probably a crow; they’re the ones i get to watch the most, and they honestly seem to be pretty happy. they’re playful, they have community, they’re resourceful, and they’re very charming. but they’ll also fuck up a hawk if they need to.
feeling too shit to go out tonight, so i’ve taken an edible, lit the shabbat candles, and settled into the couch for a quiet evening. keep me company?
@armageddon1312: Send me anonymous messages! NGL: Anonymous Q&A
never call me a thirsty bitch, because i hydrate like a BOSS. 😎
feeling too shit to go out tonight, so i’ve taken an edible, lit the shabbat candles, and settled into the couch for a quiet evening. keep me company?
@armageddon1312: Send me anonymous messages! NGL: Anonymous Q&A
omg these are supposed to be ANONYMOUS. 😆 when are you gonna come visit?
feeling too shit to go out tonight, so i’ve taken an edible, lit the shabbat candles, and settled into the couch for a quiet evening. keep me company?
@armageddon1312: Send me anonymous messages! NGL: Anonymous Q&A
i have been playing outer wilds recently, but once the edibles hit i’ll probably switch to tv. 😅 got any recommendations?
feeling too shit to go out tonight, so i’ve taken an edible, lit the shabbat candles, and settled into the couch for a quiet evening. keep me company?
@armageddon1312: Send me anonymous messages! NGL: Anonymous Q&A
that’s a really fair concern! here are a couple pictures of some raccoons i used to know, when i gave them puzzle feeders
hung some more art today! (please clap)