

a new life awaits you in the offline colonies
One of my favorite poems, and a specific medicine for the casual cruelty and sadism of forces at work in this historical moment. [via Frank Ostaseski]
The public endorsements of President Biden from Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez reflect a careful calculation that he offers the best hope for advancing progressive policies, according to people close to Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez.
Why Sanders, AOC threw Biden a lifeline as his candidacy flounderedwapo.st Liberal lawmakers giving the president political cover are aiming to secure his support for a more progressive policy agenda.
For the first time I can remember the left isn’t being blamed for a nominee’s general election struggles and they’re taking advantage of it.
The public endorsements of President Biden from Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez reflect a careful calculation that he offers the best hope for advancing progressive policies, according to people close to Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez.
Why Sanders, AOC threw Biden a lifeline as his candidacy flounderedwapo.st Liberal lawmakers giving the president political cover are aiming to secure his support for a more progressive policy agenda.
VandeHei and Allen, I mean. There’s nothing sadder than watching grown men fawn about grrr tough alpha males. Go play with your action figures, boys.
MAGA GOP’s US Rep Glenn Grothman slams ‘angry feminist movement,’ seeks return to 1960s. Grothman not only slammed “the angry feminist movement,” he also called for the USA to “work our way back” to the 1960s. He opposes equal-pay legislation, “...money is more important for men than women.”~NBC
This is now: Rape victims are being denied emergency contraception in medical centers and hospital emergency rooms. jessica.substack.com/p/idaho-wome...
Idaho Women Flown Out Weekly for Emergency Abortionsjessica.substack.com 7.12.24
I don't think people get how horrific the actual bad stuff Republicans are doing is RIGHT NOW. Nightmarish, hunted existence for anyone who can get pregnant in the South right now. Going to collect the local news headlines to convince even myself it's real.
This is now: Rape victims are being denied emergency contraception in medical centers and hospital emergency rooms. jessica.substack.com/p/idaho-wome...
Idaho Women Flown Out Weekly for Emergency Abortionsjessica.substack.com 7.12.24
If you live in a Trump voting town like I do, you have to find every opportunity to let people know the horrors that will come with a Trump victory, and I don't think "horrors" is hyperbole.
I don't think people get how horrific the actual bad stuff Republicans are doing is RIGHT NOW. Nightmarish, hunted existence for anyone who can get pregnant in the South right now. Going to collect the local news headlines to convince even myself it's real.
In case you would like to evaluate how accurate a paraphrase image 1 is, I give you image 2. I, for one, find the emphasis on working fathers to be fairly clear.
From community organizing to the state legislature to her time as Arizona Democratic Party chair, Raquel Terán has spent decades fighting for change. Now she's running for Congress and we're proud to endorse this progressive champion! Join our phonebank to help elect Raquel: indivisible.zoom.us/...
Axios is just Politico with truck nuts
Settle down, boys
Joe Biden could win back 29% of his detractors if he could get caught on tape calling the Cybertruck “a real piece of shit”
I think all the time about how he had a show on both MSNBC and PBS. He never became a different person he just feeds different flavors of slop to different audiences because he’s a human void waiting to be a vessel for whatever benefits him
This is pretty funny given that court exhibits revealed Carlson to be a non-believer of Trump and the RNC’s election claims. He’s an actual sane person who just has no morals and is acting out the role of a conspiracist. A legitimate grifter. It’s a documented fact.
The alarms are blinking red. Trump's allies are plotting a second coup attempt right out in the open. We should fear a genteel January 6 with fewer riots and more lawsuits; the means may differ but the intent is the same.
While the Democratic Party decides which presidential candidate has the best chance to defeat Trump, the Republican Party focuses on making sure that the election doesn't matter. Plan accordingly. www.nytimes.com/2024/07/13/u...
Unbowed by Jan. 6 Charges, Republicans Pursue Plans to Contest a Trump Defeatwww.nytimes.com Mr. Trump’s allies are preparing to try to short-circuit the election system, if he does not win.
George Wallace was the same way, according to the people who knew him best: (taken from Dan Carter's From George Wallace to Newt Gingrich)
I think all the time about how he had a show on both MSNBC and PBS. He never became a different person he just feeds different flavors of slop to different audiences because he’s a human void waiting to be a vessel for whatever benefits him
Jan 4, 2021 texts to his staff. And today.
Project 2025 backlash is so funny to me because it underscores to a pornographic (sometimes literally) degree just stupid and high on their own supply Trump, the GOP, and conservative movement are that they would put their own desired & ideas on a piece of paper, say “hey guys check this out” and…
I am aware some of my policy preferences may not play well in Peoria but I, unlike many of the mainstream leaders of the American right, can have a conversation with my suburban mother in law and not have her grimace immediately and look at her watch-less wrist & say “my gosh look at the time!”
You own the judiciary, and you may soon just run the table on the government but you’ll still die one day from know without the satisfaction of knowing normal people Don’t think you’re a disgusting little freak who nobody likes except for other disgusting little freaks who no one likes.
I mean look at these utter dregs. Avenatti was kind of an embarrassing but at least he was amusing. This is like being chirped at by a wet squirrel in an anime t-shirt.
I’m consistently embarrassed by the total losers I draw as enemies.
There’s a very specific type of being pissed off I get when people complain about how much money professional athletes are making but not the owners who do nothing and almost invariably have tax payers spend money to assist them in doing nothing
They call it the good book because it’s not great
First, it's astounding Wash Post still falls for BS about a softer image. 9 years later still fall for it Second, how does sending troops to rip apart families soften his image. Maybe instead of letting him skate past that, the Post could give actual details about his mass deportation plans
Top advisers to Donald Trump have scripted a RNC focused on immigration, inflation and other issues where he has a political advantage over President Biden. The intent is to soften his image and sidestep his false claims of a stolen election.
Trump aides script convention to soften his image, but face challengeswapo.st The quadrennial gathering is meant to appeal to a general election audience, but is also inseparable from Trump’s hardline MAGA movement and his polarizing vision for a second term.
This is pretty funny given that court exhibits revealed Carlson to be a non-believer of Trump and the RNC’s election claims. He’s an actual sane person who just has no morals and is acting out the role of a conspiracist. A legitimate grifter. It’s a documented fact.