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Recovering Dipstick.
Reposted byAvatar Emmet-oh
I’m mostly relieved that the Hawk Tuah girl hasn’t been bullied into suicide, and may make some bank off her initial exploitation
Reminded of this quote today:
Short of giving birth to 3 dragons, a lot of wrongs in this world could be solved by pushing some old fuckers down some staircases
Reposted byAvatar Emmet-oh
in retrospect ‘When they go low, we go high’ has got to go down as one of the dumbest political mottos in recorded history
"What are four films you don't just dislike, you despise."
"What are four films you don't just dislike, you despise."
Just read about RFK Jr and his first wife, and the arc of moral justice bends towards a velociraptor biting his dick off.
America: where democracy is outfoxed by the gang who booked the 4 Seasons press conference, and their first king is called Donald
Reposted byAvatar Emmet-oh
Looking forward to seeing how the NYT will pin this on Biden
Reposted byAvatar Emmet-oh
Just at the most basic level it is really unhealthy to have to thought about Donald Trump as much as everyone in America has over the last nine or so years. Spending a decade of my life thinking about a super boring, super shitty crook and all the bad stuff he's doing or might do. It's embarrassing.
Someone tell Ed Davey that the stunts are starting to look a little…suspect
Reposted byAvatar Emmet-oh
When I run for president my platform will be simple: hunting any rich person with a net worth of over $100 million is completely legal and if you bag one you get to give all their money to the charity of your choice
This England performance is hilarious. Do they even want to be there?
Funny how Democrats will take the gloves off when it’s their own guy, but refuse to land any punches on that herrenvolk rapist.
What an objectively funny thing to say!
Everyone knew at the time, and he was praised for it. He called his production company A Band Apart. Has everyone just forgotten that Postmodernism happened?
A VAST majority of these films are kung fu, blaxploitation, or otherwise diverse/unknown filmmakers he knows he can steal from and nobody will notice or care. If you're a film buff, I *know* you have noticed scenes in his films he has stolen.
Spaceman by Babylon Zoo was the perfect harbinger for the 21st century in that it promised so much and failed to deliver on any conceivable level.
make a band less mild The Child Killers
make a band less mild STABBA
Seeing a lot of Blair Witch praise (fine), but I thought that film was dull as hell.
Don Jr has never had, and will never know, this form of contact.
I have just started watching Altman’s The Player, and folks, they do not make them like they used to. Ok, maybe some of them do.
Hey, this song/film/tv show is this many years old. Fuck off dickheads, get a new bit.
Just seen skeets calling Aliens crap and Prometheus great. I have never felt greater solidarity with Dr Manhattan on Mars.
Reposted byAvatar Emmet-oh
Newsletter: Tech's hyper-growth era is ending. Almost every major web platform has seen traffic declines since 2021, and the industry is getting desperate as it realizes there aren't any massive new markets left- and generative AI isn't the next big thing. www.wheresyoured.at/rotcombubble/
The Rot-Com Bubblewww.wheresyoured.at If you enjoy this post, why not subscribe to my podcast Better Offline? This week's a two parter that further expands on the Rot-Com Bubble, coming out Wednesday and Friday. The noxious growth-at-all...
Poor Bruce 😂
Here's another one: "In 1980 the [NJ] State Assembly passed a resolution naming 'Born to Run' the unofficial rock theme of our State's youth. The bill failed to pass the ... Senate, owing to some of the song's lyrics being about a desire to leave New Jersey." en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Born_to...
The wages of extreme wealth and privilege are being collected.
This election campaign, it's like the entire medium of photography itself has put a curse on Sunak personally.