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cis; he/him; '92; Web dev; videos gamer; enjoyer of music, tinkerer of computers; 🇫🇷 in 🇺🇸;
Trans & Black lives matter. Your crypto/AI sucks ✌️
Not my first rodeo.

@eramdam on 🐦
@[email protected] on 🐘
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I think one of the most infuriating things to me is how well our enemies can overcome their disdain for each other to work toward our destruction while we seem to be obsessed with dividing our communities even in the face of existential threats.
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That Vance is a direct line to Thiel and Andreessen is truly important. Trump wants their money. Thiel wants to sell billions in Palantir contracts to power Trump’s mass surveillance/ethnic cleansing infrastructure. Pence was the Christian Nationalists’ guy. Vance is reactionary capital’s.
Are you a fan of all of those guys who are directly responsible for making the internet an unusable dogshit hellhole? Well boy do I have a VP for you.
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okay this is the first interesting thing someone’s said about Vance
That Vance is a direct line to Thiel and Andreessen is truly important. Trump wants their money. Thiel wants to sell billions in Palantir contracts to power Trump’s mass surveillance/ethnic cleansing infrastructure. Pence was the Christian Nationalists’ guy. Vance is reactionary capital’s.
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It's like people who make new social media platforms repeatedly fail to learn from the ways Twitter is collapsing. For the Nth time: the product is moderation! "Content moderation is what Twitter makes — it is the thing that defines the user experience." www.theverge.com/2022/10/28/2...
Welcome to hell, Elonwww.theverge.com Owning Twitter means owning a host of impossible political problems. Is Elon ready?
Reminds me of one motherfucker online who was like (about Mirlo, a coop Bandcamp-like) "the alternative already exists, it's called torrenting music and buying merch/tours instead" at me 🙃
But if your hardline position is that not paying authors for their labor is a great way to end capitalism, you do not understand what capitalism is.
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Does the aftermath fucking suck? Do we still have to fight because a bunch of cowards are too chickenshit to accept that the right will never see us as legitimate? Yeah! Is it frustrating and horrible? Yeah! IT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO MUCH WORSE IF WE HAD GONE INTO THIS ACCEPTING OUR DEFEAT
one week ago my country was supposed to hand the keys over to fascists; now it's not because of the many people that fucking refused to lose; IT COULD BE YOU
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one week ago my country was supposed to hand the keys over to fascists; now it's not because of the many people that fucking refused to lose; IT COULD BE YOU
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"well, better get my go-bag ready" fuck you; the constituency that wants you dead or miserable is vastly overrepresented in the media and you can win against it if you mobilize, I'm not even talking about Joe Biden as president, I don't give a shit what it is, just play to win
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hey since all of you americans seem to have a boner for doing it like the French here's a piece of advice: stop going into things like you're gonna lose; stop thinking Trump can't be stopped; he can, keep applying pressure
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At least take some time to absorb the shock of a new thing and don’t just go straight towards catastrophizing
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It becomes this doomposting just bouncing off each other, and it helps me to remember that it’s more that effect than anything, even if things are dire that’s just not an accurate or helpful stance.
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Don’t need the “we’re cooked lol” posts, like if you’re feeling despair that’s understandable but there’s other ways to sit in that that don’t rile up other people’s despair. Also, just a reminder that those attitudes are not as indicative of the situation as they can feel.
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I think a lot about the fact that a lot of people don't have safe places in real life to say to someone else: "I'm really scared." So people use social media for that but don't preface the posts with: "I'm really scared." It usually comes out as "we're all doomed and gonna die" or as jokes.
This is really no time to insult people for being afraid.
as someone who actually did that kind of move, it's a bit bizarre to see people suggesting moving to another country/continent as if you could just wing it without preparation, a sizeable amount of money and support from immigration lawyers. but you do you.
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If you come across it, and this sounds like a joke but isn’t, try to play Tetris within 30 minutes. Something about it works like EMDR and helps the brain process the traumatic input. There are versions for mobile, switch, computer- just about every platform.
Some pretty graphic images of the corpse of the shooter going around social media. Heads up. I've seen a lot of images of death and brutality over the years from following news on war zones but this still made me wince. It's not a pretty sight. Try to avoid it.
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Welp it happened again. Russian T90 tank this time.
it'll be very funny to see Musk run into one of the few govt agencies that actually does shit against tech companies lol
EU Commissioner Thierry Breton is taking on Musk. He plans to impose fines and demand changes to Twitter because the EU believes Blue Ticks deceive users and impinge the Digital Services Act. Musk is having a meltdown and plans to take it to the courts.
bluesky really made it as Twitter 2 (derogatory) because the 'grifter gets shunned out of Twitter and comes here' thing keeps happening lmao
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When your “tool” produces what are intended to be near-finished works, you have not helped an artist create; you’ve patronized the artist into thinking they’ve created something that was, actually, created for them
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Seen today in “please pay for an actual translator”: A bottle of “Horsing Center Sauce”.
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hello #PortfolioDay afterparty, i'm iasmin omar ata! i write, i draw, i make comics, i develop games, i design characters & backgrounds, i rig vtuber models, i even do work for Sonic the Hedgehog — and i’m open for new opportunities right now! ✨ 🎨 iasminomarata.com ✉️ [email protected]
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When the american liberals use France's election as an illustration of the need to VOTE, they ignore that people were not only voting against the far right but *for* something. They voted for a campaign which promises to: increase minimum wage, lower retirement age, pay for all childcare, etc
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every time a retail business wants to do layoffs and not admit their core business is in trouble, they say it’s because of shoplifting, fyi
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Intuit is doing layoffs because there’s free tax filing options from the IRS now; every time a tech company wants to do layoffs but don’t want to admit their core business is in trouble, they say it’s because of AI
There were two cute things this morning: me and that one flower I saw on my way to work
Incredibly damning profile on Macron in Politico. Not much of it comes as a surprise if you're tuned into French politics but still, baffling stuff in there lol www.politico.eu/article/magn...
The magnificent mind of Emmanuel Macronwww.politico.eu The president is a lonely, tragic figure whose strange personality has inflicted chaos and carnage on French politics.
Pelosi be like "I know a thing or two about staying in a position of power instead of retiring but this is too much"
She’s approaching, Joe. Steadily, step by step, she approaches. And once she reaches you neither God nor the Devil can prevent what devastation she will bring down upon you.
I'm seeing Justice (the electronic music duo, not the concept) in less than a month and it's only now starting to settle and I'm being extremely normal about it. Teenage Damien would be so fucking jealous rn. So hyped.