
Also, since it's relevant, "Judeo-Christian" just means "We're going to borrow legitimacy for our theology by using poorly and/or conveniently interpreted aspects of Judaism."
For the love of god stop doing this. Stop trying to erase Christianity's responsibility for your worst members. These are YOUR PEOPLE whether you like it or not. And also, as a Jew whose people have been massacred in the name of Christ for 3000 years, this argument of reads like bullshit to me.
American Christians: we are part of a judeo-christain nation! American Jews:
Weird how they only invoke two of three Abrhamic religions...
Isn't that interesting 🧐
Honestly I never really consciously considered what an obviously racist construction the concept of "Judeo-Christian Values" is until today and I am slightly embarrassed about it. Following you continues to deliver opportunities for growth and reflection.
This was my easy to understand version the last time it came up.
Here’s an analogy: imagine you’re a Christian living in a Muslim democracy that’s morphing into a theology. Churches are being attacked, the Koran is becoming law, you’re scared. How would you feel about the term Christo-Islamic being used to describe this movement?
Completely lost respect for an Ethics professor who used it both unironically and casually
Jews to Christian: we feel about your use of our religion the same way you feel about Muslims use of Christianity Christians: wow how can you be so bigoted
Important to remember Christians believe only 144k Jews are being brought up into heaven. They only need Jewish people to fulfill the prophecy, they don’t actually want Jewish people in their society.