
For the love of god stop doing this. Stop trying to erase Christianity's responsibility for your worst members. These are YOUR PEOPLE whether you like it or not. And also, as a Jew whose people have been massacred in the name of Christ for 3000 years, this argument of reads like bullshit to me.
Hmmm... I don't know that they are Christians... More like "Christians in name only". They sure as hell don't follow the teachings of Christ. I say that, simply because I know a significant number of ACTUAL Christians that DO follow those teachings, and they are honestly good humans.
Oh my god this is such a GREAT POINT. I'm bookmarking.
I'm glad it's helpful! I've been following Chrissy for years and cite her work often in my own, so I'm always happy to share her essays.
Had to point this same thing out to my mom recently 😔 Like, the assholes are the ones dominating the conversation. They are what everyone outside think of when someone says 'Christian' Suggested maybe she and the other 'nice ones' needed to step up and start cleaning up their house.
Mary's boy seems like a nice young man, but his fandom is monstrously toxic.
my mom is one who is trying to clean house, i would say :) she pushes for social change in her church
at the end of the day if there's some group of "good" christians who don't want to be associated with the "bad" ones then it's on them to prove it by publicly and aggressively having it out between them, not quietly trying to convince other people they're "the good ones" from the sidelines
If it's true that fascist evangelical dominionists are the exception and not the rule, then it should absolutely be possible to build a muscular, aggressive, *christian* anti-fascist anti-evangelical anti-dominionist movement and make it politically relevant. Shouldn't it? 🙃
(and if this makes you mad, PLEASE prove me wrong. I would be so red and nude and mad and OWNED if you proved me wrong. Absolutely malding and coping and seething and crying.)
...yeah.... They are absolutely Christians. But it's real weird how you don't see the alleged "real" Christians leading any kinda movement against this. It's always up to non-Christians somehow. Real puzzling where the beliefs really are.
Exactly. If the "real" Christians believed anything Christ allegedly said, they'd the LOUDEST voices fighting the "fake" Christians. But they don't, so they don't.
Absolutely fucking EXHAUSTING
Was literally about to say this. "No true Christian would..." Yes they would, and they have been for centuries now, just stop.
It’s like these people completely forgot about the crusades or the fact that the overarching narrative of their freaking holy book is you can inherit god’s promised reward for you as long as you genocide all of the people there first.
American evangelical support for Israel against Palestinians makes a lot more sense when you realize the evangelicals see them as Canaanites - the peoples Moses and Joshua were supposed to exterminate. So Christians are like “better late than never” 🤷
It also reinforces the Christian === Good mentality. If you're a Christian, you're automatically a good person. Therefore bad people can't be Christian, and "true" Christians can't do bad things
You are what your record says you are.
As a wise man once said: good tree brings forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree brings forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit... Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
"all European Muslims are responsible for Islamist terror massacres, those are THEIR PEOPLE whether they like it or not..." the kind of thing Le Pen, Farage and other right wingers are fond of saying...
That's arguing the opposite. Saying "All Muslims are terrorists" deserves a "Most Muslims are peaceful citizens" Its an internal Muslim debate to decide their theology. Countering "Christian Nationalists will destroy the USA" with "They aren't Xians" prevents xians examining their theology & history
We certainly wouldn't want to encourage people to have a deeper look at their belief systems and biases.
A self described atheist determining who is and isn't "following the teachings of Christ" as a basis of who's good and who isn't is just about more irony than I can take.
These folks need to accept that the kind and humane Christian is and always been a small minority among the group. There is no silent majority and likes of John Brown are a rare occasion.
I get your point and I certainly believe that when it comes to forcing one's religious faith upon others, we must act together to stop then. Aside from that, however, when did we become responsible for the beliefs of other people, and how are we supposed to "correct" their beliefs?
since the beginning of the religion. Matthew 18:15-17.
I'm not Christian. And I don't care what anyone believes as long as they don't (attempt to) force non- or different-believers to live by *their* religious rules.
Everytime there’s another mass shooting we hear, “This is not who we are,” and yet it sure seems like it is. Same w religions…
It's always infuriating to me because when a Jew is out there being horrible, we call them a shonde. We don't deny that they're Jews and then move on!
I mean that’s kind of any religion at one time or another through history (though Christian’s do seem to be going for some kind of record…) Idk what the good ones could do to silence the shitty ones tbh. Even in the Bible God had to blind folks or kill their families to get them to quit bein dicks
From the inside, I agree. Too many actions we should have publicly, loudly condemned & actively sought to oppose we watched silently. Now we need to publicly, loudly step up & say "no more. Here's what we're doing to make corrections." The church owes society reparations, needs to own the reputation