
If you own a Tesla, your car is covered in cameras that take images reviewed by Tesla employees, who share them with each other, joke about them, and make them into memes.
Yeesh. You don't own a product. You pay to be owned by it. The 21st Century business model.
Like I don't know why people buy this crap. So much stuff to buy and they decide to buy Spyware.
It could well be that the folks selling it are allowed to mainly elide what the product actually is and bury the details in an EULA. Maybe consumers should be insulated from a business practice like that entering an established market where the long held assumption is opposite that.
Assumption by law or practice? Have we learned nothing from social media? Closed source with cameras and a microphone should immediately make an alarm ring. If it's not a law, it's not anything. This country has been run that way since lawyers came to power with John Adams.
I’m not sure whether you sincerely believe that we never had any useful consumer protections at any prior point in US history or not, or possibly also that having them is so impossible as to not even be worth discussing.
"have we learned nothing from social media" regrettably, yes
Who is we and who did the learning? Should grabbing the data of every fresh new person be a good business model? Is the innovation that we seek an innovation in harder to learn ways of getting folks data? Just seems like we should drive our innovation at something better than this, right?
You do have a smartphone right? You can not escape this easily. First step is being aware of the full extend of the problem.
the adage used to be "if the product is free, you are the product" now you just are the product, with no other qualifications required
uber all over again evacide it never ends
You just know there’s a god mode map on a projector screen somewhere. And creepy execs tapping into interior cameras.
Probably a bored and underappreciated code monkey who automated all his tasks but yes.
The widely distributed, poorly contained, out of control surveillance state we all seem to be opting into without a clue what we’re doing. What could possibly go wrong?
I’m confident that the average person opting in doesn’t understand what they’re opting into. In other arenas of consent, that wouldn’t be considered consent.
I feel like a huge amount of privacy issues would be improved if the standard was unambiguous, continuous, enthusiastic consent — ie terms must be spelled out in cigarette label clarity and folks can opt out at any moment even in ways that screw the easy business models.
Apple has inched in this direction with some of the iPhone controls. I randomly get notifications saying “hey are you sure you want this app to continue having photo and location access?”
Absolutely. The consent I’m most concerned about isn’t to the legal agreements, it’s to the presence of surveillance equipment everywhere, all the time, without any concern for how hard that compliance will be to rescind when people realize how badly it’s being abused.
The Facebook always on glasses incoming 😬
when they're not busy celebrating tricking you into cancelling service appointments to check out their intentionally over inflated EV ranges
The screenplay writes itself.
the documentaries will be great and full of tech reporters that built up his mythology pretending they saw him for what he was the entire time
I forecast Brad Pitt as Elon Musk in the inevitable movie.
Was standing next to a Tesla in a parking lot and the screen came on and said "RECORDING" in red on black (too big to miss) and then I noticed the camera embedded in the door that was pointed right at me. I did the only thing a mature adult could do; I gave it the finger.
I thought I might be misremembering the screen that caught my attention so I looked it up and it's actually worse, how could I forget. They really used HAL (it's since been changed to something less overtly threatening)
it's what chewing gum was invented for
Folks who leave this feature on are 100% hoping to catch someone messing with their car. After giving the camera the finger, I actually moved my car to another part of the lot.
Then there’s those of us who don’t own teslas but just happen to exist in the line of sight of one.
I wondered about this - what about countries where covert recording of somebody is illegal?
I would strongly suspect this kind of stuff is switched off in, for instance, the EU. Then again…
The article says Tesla made an adjustment to “pulse the headlights” when it’s recording, NOT to shut off the cameras.
What’s insane about this (aside from the obvious) is that it’s not particularly hard to lock down company IT. I did contract work over a decade ago reviewing bankruptcy filings, and on our machines in the secured review environment you couldn’t copy, take screenshots, email out, NOTHING.
Literally the only way you could get sensitive information off the computer was by using your smartphone camera, and since the workplace was monitored, that would have your ass escorted out instantly, with your personal effects to follow.
Let me tell about engineers feel about working in that environment
Do you mean in a locked-down environment? I’m certainly not saying that every system should be as restricted as the one I referenced…access and availability of data should of course be tailored to the situation and desired business/technical outcomes.
Yeah, the “tied to business outcomes” is key. There’s a trade off, and Tesla (who values privacy at roughly 0) is making a clear-eyed choice. Not one I’d make, though
We had the same in the O&G industry with ‘data rooms’ when trying to buy/sell an asset… you were only allowed a few screenshots and hand written notes. I suspect that most O&G draughting people became very adept at digitizing seismic from photos!
Years ago 60 Minutes did a piece on the IRS outsourcing income tax processing to India I think, although I don’t recall for certain. The workers were in a locked room, were not allowed to bring anything in, no writing implements and couldn’t take anything out. Even so, it was unsettling.
A friend of mine was doing electrical work at Milbrook Proving Ground, where car manufacturers test their prototypes. Security is incredibly tight. No phones or anything that can record on site. It was amusing when the client wanted photos of his work to close the job and pay him.
Well, at least we can be sure the CEO wasn’t one of the people sharing these videos, right?
I’m guessing none of his ex wives own a Tesla because they know he will stalk them and use the camera feeds for revenge porn.
Idk. Might lead to him sleepless or binging on Diet Coke and tears for multiple weeks, so let’s not be too hasty
Amusingly, according to Reuters, he was one of the people whose privacy was invaded by his employees
i condemn the tesla workers for doing this, except for the tesla workers who did it to Musk, who I condemn but also think are very funny
Why is this not surprising? 🙄
Tesla employees 🤝 everyone else "lmao LOOK at those losers"
"One crash video in 2021 showed a Tesla driving at high speed in a residential area hitting a child riding a bike" This would only be a problem if Tesla hid the video from the prosecutor and victim. All car manufacturers should provide video for all crashes.
#urbanism Those toddlers having to wear high vis vests makes me mad at drivers selfishly concerned with only their own privacy (latest article from,, drivers eagerly share all of these articles). Yes, privacy is important. So is living together. 1/n
How to opt out of the privacy nightmare that comes with new I was the first person to ask my Honda dealer how to turn off data sharing. It didn't go well....
And by "all" I mean victims should be able to sue any manufacturer that can't provide external and cabin video, up to them if they issue a recall to install the equipment.