interim director of printing

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interim director of printing

Recovering academic. Organizer. Abolitionist. Inquilab Zindabad. she/her. 🌋

📍Douglass Commonwealth
The Onion would like to congratulate its owner, G/O Media, for standing firm in its return-to-office mandate, as we can think of nowhere more conducive to best-in-class thought leadership than a fluorescent-lit room populated with the abandoned desks of terminated colleagues.
Organizing is a labor and it's difficult and it's thankless. And there's no other way to get from where we are to where we hope to be.
it's incredibly funny that after eight years of this, there's still so much showmanship and confidence in that em dash. They really think they're about to knock everyone's monocles out with what they say next
This Darkness RISING + calendar is exactly what I needed this year. Especially after quitting my post doc, science, and academia to work towards pic abolition full time. The right path ♥️.
I often have to remind myself that grace is a discipline. Allowing people the room to grow & be radicalized is essential to building the world we want. We must unlearn our instinct to dismiss in response to disagreement. (Obviously inspired by the amazing’s words on hope)
I need more DC folks to be on here. When I complain about Muriel I want to be understood 🥲
We have a new logo and new social accounts on twitter and instagram! Follow us here (and there) to stay updated on what's happening and ways to support. Stay tuned for new gear 👀
Good evening everyone. New York City has bused over 700 recently arrived asylum seekers, hundreds of them Black, and abandoned them at a “respite center” in Brooklyn in inhumane and uninhabitable conditions that do not honor and respect their human rights and dignity.
The situation is very dire at the "respite" center and it's been a very small crew of people trying to do their best to support the asylum seekers. The city has abandoned them. There's also a need for portable showers if anyone has leads.
It’s unacceptable that patients have to beg doctors to take basic infection control precautions like wearing a mask, just so they can get healthcare safely in the middle of a pandemic #KeepMasksInHealthcare
Asylum-seekers face numerous obstacles at the federal and local level. In DC, NY, Chicago, Denver, and more, the community has been ready to welcome folks since day one, it is about time government caught up. 7/7
The Biden administration needs to fix this. In the interim, DC and other cities need to develop strong welcoming & resettlement infrastructure. Unfortunately, in DC, Mayor Bowser & her agencies continue to treat migrants like they're here temporarily instead of as residents. 4/7
No asylum application means no work permit. It is such a profoundly terrible decision to not allow people to work when they enter the country. The only reason for the government to keep this policy is to provide businesses with an unprotected, easily exploitable work force. 3/7
We have been welcoming migrants arriving in the District for 16+ months and the question we keep getting is - how do I get a work permit? Applying for asylum is not easy. Many migrants miss their one year deadline b/c they have no one to support them with the app. 2/7
Texas started busing migrants to DC in April 2022, and Arizona followed suit that May. Many migrants who came on those very first buses STILL don't have work authorization. Without it, folks struggle to find stable work and are susceptible to exploitation and wage theft. 🧵
As cities struggle to house migrants, Biden administration resists proposals that officials say The Biden administration has been reluctant to grant migrants in New York and other cities legal status due to concerns about lawsuits and a spike in border crossings, sources told CBS News.
Over a year later, MSMAN continues to support migrants who have chosen to make the DC area their home. Our work has expanded to include resettlement support for families trying to move out of DC shelters, monthly asylum clinics, prenatal support, wage theft clinics, policy, and more! 3/
In the absence of the local government and established non-profits, the Network stepped up — showing up to receive buses at all times of day and night, booking transportation, sorting donations, finding short-and-long-term housing, and more. 2/
Intro: In April 2022, Gov Abbott of Texas began busing asylum seekers to DC as part of a publicity stunt. In response, the DC community formed the Migrant Solidarity Mutual Aid Network (MSMAN), a group of organizations and volunteers dedicated to welcoming migrants arriving to the city. 1/
And Just Like That has led me to propose a new Bechdel test - 1) are there at least two women of color, 2) do these woc interact, and 3) do they discuss anything other than the white women they’re there to make look less racist?
Coalition building should come with free therapy
Ok very new to this app and barely have any followers but it’s worth a shot! We are doing a summer supply drive to collect supplies to support unhoused folks in DC:
Trump walking away from his arraignment a free man while hundreds of thousands of people remain caged pretrial for being poor.
Ok very new to this app and barely have any followers but it’s worth a shot! We are doing a summer supply drive to collect supplies to support unhoused folks in DC:
"Victims of a major crime are eligible for U-visas in the United States. Garcia said her organization has submitted 50 U-visa applications for survivors of the Walmart shooting and family members of the deceased. Only one—a visa for a minor—has been approved."
Living in DC is weird af. It’s like this metaphorical place where big things happen that impact the rest of the US but it’s also like people fucking live here.
Recently, Bowser & her agencies have used increasingly ludicrous fiscal impact claims to block progressive emergency legislation. Her latest victim was a bill that I worked so fucking hard to get introduced before recess — it would've allowed many migrants to finally get IDs & driver’s licenses. 1/
Bowser’s Budget Tricks Scuttled An Effort to Help Migrants Break Free of a ‘Kafkaesque System’ Ward 6 Councilmember Charles Allen's push to help migrants secure temporary IDs is the latest legislation sunk by budgetary games.