Fred Nurk

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Fred Nurk

Straya. Just your everyday bloke. Yeah, right.

[email protected]
Nobody is being transphobic until it's proven that they are, which has not been done. The person being harassed here is PL Henderson who was driven off bsky. Where is solid evidence to back up transphobia and content scaping claims of PL? How is this content scraping? #womensart recognize who you're getting into bed with by supporting transphobic harrassment challenge 2025.
LEAD ME ASTRAY (trust the Cosmic Psychos to have done this eons ago...)
Sexually Suggestive
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
Yep. Australia has all Trump stands for too, regardless of whom we vote in. Case in point: #auspol
I hope this reminds people of what I have said all along. Trump is beyond beatable whether it’s Joe, Kamala, or someone else. Fucking act like it.
Still no answer re: PL Henderson + their content scraping ? Why call someone a content scraper when they don't? Why are you lying about PL Henderson? receipts: What is the point of bsky when those who give the place diversity, truth and meaning are bullied off?
"Renewables eventually took off, but later than they could have. " This is a take off for you Marc? What am I missing here? Because all I see is fossil fuels and yes, us being toast.
July 14, 2024: Mother Nature does not give a fuck about your renewables in the grid: WHAT MATTERS: Fossil fuel extraction + emissions, which are not being curbed: C02 going up c/o Global primary energy consumption c/o ourworldindata. #climate
24 yrs ago today: "Labels telling consumers their electricity came from fossil fuel should be put on power bills.... President of the Australian Wind Energy Association Grant Flynn said most consumers were unaware... their power came from fossil fuels
July 14, 2024: Mother Nature does not give a fuck about your renewables in the grid: WHAT MATTERS: Fossil fuel extraction + emissions, which are not being curbed: C02 going up c/o Global primary energy consumption c/o ourworldindata. #climate
Kate, here's what a content scraper does: they take people's content without permission and then posts it without any mention whatsoever of the creator. Where did PL Henderson do that? Asking, because content is *always* credited: fyi
Where not only the USA, but AUKUS is headed. Because we're all in this together, let's us all know what we're in for, and dealing with *now*. TLDR: handmaid's tale, anyone? #auspol
Windmills blow away Trump's denial of Project 2025 involvement
Wasn’t it Holly Hughes who found Robodebt deeply offensive? Where is she now? Sounds like Rob is prepping for a promotion… But sure, the ATO totally needs to claw back money from pensioners because there’s no one else they could possibly target…
It's so much fun playing this game that who we elect somehow determines how the country is run. Like it makes a difference. Old car. New spark plugs. #auspol
Let me make it easy and paraphrase: we're so, so fucked. "“The overall pattern here is clear — it’s not just in this decision — the court majority is on a rampage designed to make it harder for the government to protect us,” Doniger said." The govt is protecting you? Yeah, right. Australia: #auspol
It's hard to explain how widespread the repercussions of overturning Chevron deference will be. Even if you narrow the scope down to tech policy, you're left wrangling a super-explainer on a friday afternoon
What SCOTUS just did to net neutrality, the right to repair, the environment, and The end of Chevron deference will touch on everything from broadband policy to climate change.
Here's a very simple explainer of exactly how fuct we are where a picture tells 1000 words: Ex Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, wearing Chevron as if he's employee of the month. As if. #auspol
Avatar Here's a very simple explainer of exactly how fuct we are where a picture tells 1000 words: Ex Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, wearing Chevron as if he's employee of the month. As if. #auspol
Labour left? 😂😂😂 I'll just leave this here.
"Lower carbon emissions" 🤔🤨😂 Dodgy govt accounting at its finest...
AU Labor achievements since 2022
Because activism about fossil fuels is so misguided given the vast amount of renewables in Australias energy production right? Right? RIGHT? *sighs* #auspol #climate #fossilfuels
The Fin's editorial line in response to its own story yesterday that Japan was using Australian gas for geopolitical advantage: "What this shows is that Japan’s on-selling should not fuel the misguided climate activism that asserts that no new gas projects are needed in Australia."
Yeah, good thing we’re so thoughtful and progressive, right ? Right? Right…
Wondering, which Australian company has the largest uranium deposit in the world? How much money have they shoveled into the far right and anti renewables rhetoric? Coal free? In Australia? How are we removing coal from production in a meaningful way?
Of course the LNP's plan to nuke energy affordability is completely deadassed, but what dipshit thought a nuclear reactor in Muja makes sense of all places? Western Australia will be coal-free this decade. What the fuck is a nuke in 2040-something going to do? Nuking Muja is a real special idea. 🔌💡
Phasing out fossil fuels? 😂 Maybe pigs could fly considering who rules the joint. #auspol
"Pace of renewables is off." Wondering if you might have another way of describing the icing on the fucked up fossil fueled cake of bullshittery: #auspol
Pace of renewables is off. From mid-December 2023 to late May 2024 there was a drought of commissioning of renewable projects through the Clean Energy Regulator. The Qld LNP through David Littleproud has pledged to tear up federal renewable contracts. #auspol
Wind and solar drought: First new renewable projects join grid after six month Two new wind and solar farms and a big battery have entered grid management system. Astonishingly, they are the first in six months as a result of development drought.
Shot: Chaser: Just can't help themselves. ;)
Just can't help themselves.
Anyone checked house prices along the Northern Beaches of Sydney? #auspol #climate
Want less friction? - renewables not in far right wing areas of the country - plan approval policy: max 40% fossil fuels + paying taxes - people working in climate pushing for policy and educating that fossil fueled renewables IS STILL FOSSIL FUELS - community owned renewables #auspol #engie 🔌💡
Looking forward to this platform being better on the nazi moderation front. So far, not so good. Please do block and report the being below... fyi #auspol
Mother Nature does not care about the grid. Energy consumption by source, United States, which shows no lack of fossil fuels. Thanks for playing . 🔌💡
100% of California’s main grid energy demand was met by the combo of solar, wind & hydropower generation for 9 hours & forty-five minutes! 
Today marks the 44th day straight & the 68th out of 74, where solar, wind & hydro exceeded demand for part of the day. And they say it can’t be done…