
Meta and its employees absolutely, fundamentally believe that everyone else is very, very stupid. This has been a core theme of how they’ve functioned since the start.
Meta says “a bug” caused them to rapidly, throughout the entire Meta network, block every website that contained a link to an article about their suppression of climate change ads and posts. That’s one hell of a specific bug.
If 99% of your day is spent watching millions of people share “proof” Antifa Zionist Mexican Transgender Abortion Doctors cause earthquakes and eclipses, you’d think humanity was generally stupid, too.
The people in Meta’s leadership are absolutely not the people in the moderation trenches
“If you built a big evil machine designed to more efficiently lie to people trapped inside, when inconvenient observers point out the machines flaws the people designing & maintaining the machine will repeat the lie that everything is great & be surprised that anyone can see through it” idk
They're not entirely wrong, though. As George Carlin quipped: "think of how stupid the average person is, amd then realize half of them are stupider than that."
They think they’re smarter than all the legitimately smart people, too.
It's a weird arrogance of assuming their particular skills make them the smartest people in the world. Like assuming you know how to code or get VC money also means you should have a say in how everything else in society works rather than understanding those as niche skills.
I wonder if it is an offshoot of the "effective altruism" movement that most young tech moguls tend to exhibit a tendency towards.
Okay, now we're talking! (That's what I imagine the intended sentiment was)
Median person, tho. I get why he avoided the minutia for the joke but outliers shift average away from median.
Yes, technically it is only the median to which the 50% applies. Call it comedic-artistic liberties.
What if a company was run by Dilbert.
I’d say it’s more that they know there’s no significant consequence to saying a big lie and standing by it.
Zuck once called his users stupid fucks so there ya go.
A bug! The "Oshittus theynoiticedidae" known colloquially as the "Really Obvious Beetle"
I would say leadership, not employees. There’s a hopeful naivety among employees. Rank and file engineers in my experience really wanted to make a positive impact, but I don’t think many understand the profit incentives can never allow for that.
In their defense? In my experience that place is a garbage fire and nothing actually makes sense at all and they regularly flag shit from advertisers that was pre-approved by their content teams. Idk if someone flagged the domain on purpose or not.
They’re the 300lb gorilla in the room so they figure they can be sloppy and you’ll have to give them money anyway.
They’re programmers - believing everyone else is stupid runs in the industry
Watching their "metaverse" stumble through every social problem that afflicted 2nd Life and MMORPGs continues to be hilarious. Their "not invented here" mentality is a critical flaw in their corporate culture that I have to assume comes directly from the founder.
They all have Peak Harvard Brain.
Like the IDF, Meta's "errors" seem to have ultra-precise laser guidance systems.
I have an acquaintance who works for fb and even with the massive layoffs she absolutely guzzled the koolaid. Tbh I'll never trust someone who works for the fb conglomerate
Can we really blame Meta? The media reports on things like they are the main character in Momento unable to form new memories. Zuckerberg to Congress: We're taking steps to fix this issue, it was totally a one off accident. The media: Dutifully stenographing every word uncritically.