
Restaurant chain owners are already experimenting with this very bad AI recipe idea
A techbro idiot is going to open a restaurant with exclusively AI generated recipes in the immediate future. It will get immense press. The food will be anywhere from awful to actively dangerous. It brings me no pleasure to tell you this
How national and local restaurants are using AI to create new Both national and local restaurants are testing AI-inspired recipes, and business leaders are showing excitement about the possibilities.
This seems like an absolute nightmare for kitchen staff. "Here's a recipe without any thought whatsoever into prep needs or kitchen flow!"
100 different ingredients for 10 different dishes
You know the next season of Top Chef is gonna have an AI quickfire like this
Nah, you just tell it what ingredients you have that you want to do, any time constraints, etc. I do this all the time at home; it's great for figuring out what to do with random ingredients.
That’s baffling to me. Why on earth would you need a machine to tell you that?
To have some diversity in my diet? To deal with situations where I'm out of my usual staples? Are you telling me you've never been sure of what to cook or dinner, or what came to mind sounded boring / repetitive and you wanted to introduce some variety?
yeah that happens to me all the time and I use a search engine to find recipes created by actual humans who I know are competent or a cookbook
I either 1) wing it, or 2) google *base ingredient* *type of dish* recipe and scroll a little. A random encounter generator is for DnD, not dinner
Why on earth would I need or want a shitty “AI” to do this
The most influential cookbook I have read on what to do with a mixed basket of ingredients. Tamer Adler An everlasting meal.
Home kitchen is VERY different than a restaurant kitchen
i was 16 in my second restaurant job when i learned that many restaurant dishes contained many of the same ingredients in different portions and ratios. AI ain’t fixing the kitchen, after nearly 2 decades in the industry you won’t convince me otherwise.
I think if home cooks want to experiment with AI, go for it, but I think some restaurant owner using AI to whip up new recipes on the fly is going to end up with some very frustated line cooks. Cooking for 4 is different than cooking for 100 people both in terms of ingredients and process.
That’s like a joke recipe on Bluey.
Even when it’s not dangerous, who wants food that amounts to the muddled average of other, better food?
Hence why it is called Automated Interpolation.
As someone who cooks, who owns too many cookbooks and subscribes to way too many newsletters and etc.: This is just so outstandingly, breathtakingly, monumentally DUMB. Only guys who have never cooked a fucking thing in their lives would think it's even worth thinking about.
On the bright side we will finally be getting tacos that have the daily recommended allowance of pebbles and rocks in them. They could call them something like Rockin' Taco. Rockin' Tacos! Now with extra crunch. Mmm. Rocks in a taco with extra avocado. Try one today!
"We asked ChatGPT to write a recipe for us. The results were inedible. But we fixed it!"
"Wait a sec... we tweaked the recipe so much to fix it that we ended up with our original pre-ChatGPT recipe!"
It would be nice if people would stop confusing RAG summaries of human-written content with AI-generated content. Humans wrote the article about eating rocks. Humans wrote the article about glue pizza. The Google "AI" was just a RAG summarizer of the top human-written search results.
Now, having such a thing was a braindead idea on Google's parts - it takes things, removes them from their contexts, removes eliminates all context as to the credibility of the site, and presents them as authoritative, etc. Dumb. But it was just summaries of the top human-written search results.
the summaries are also bad and wrong
in that the tool is too dumb to know that the thing it is summarizing is bad and wrong
Oh, absolutely, it was a damned stupid idea on Google's part. It was a fundamentally flawed idea, to create a took tasked to summarize search results without any assessment of credibility or context, and present it as authoritative. It's not the model's fault, it's the execs' fault.
I only saw one or two, of the hundreds that people posted, where the summary had errors. Every other "error" I saw was just accurately quoting the top search results. Maybe your experience was different?
RAG = Retrieval-Augmented Generation :)
A kobold wrote the article about eating rocks. You can't change my mind.
I honestly can't understand why anyone who likes food would want this.
It’s a cruel insult to the entire ancient art.
Eating glue: it’s not just for Ralph Wiggum anymore!
say what you will, i think Elmer's Pizza is fantastic
“This meal was invented by an infinite number of monkeys!”
The most important part of that article is “we had to keep tweaking the AI recipe”. 😡🤢 I wouldn’t trust AI to be correct on cooking time or temp- I’d still have to check with a cookbook or reliable online source.
I think more LLM’s need to be trained on Monty Python scripts, They Might be Giants lyrics and Samuel Beckett plays.
The product liability lawyers are our last defence. Wait for OpenAI to attempt to save itself in Court by admitting you can't trust their product for anything
I dunno, I make use of AI a lot in cooking. My experience is that it generally works great. The thing it's best for is IMHO "I have X ingredients I want to use for dinner under Y constraints, give me Z ideas" And adapting things, eg. "Oh, looks like I'm out of A and B, ideas for substitution?"
It also pleases me immensely that I never have to deal with those sites where you have to scroll through 20 pages of "My dear grandmother used to make this when I was a child, I still can recall the smell of it cooking in her brick kitchen. Every time I visited she would have a pot of it..."
I first started messing with it way back with *GPT-2*, though that was totally untrustworthy (it even suggested a recipe that included vermiculite, lol). Early ChatGPT occasionally got things off (too little tapioca / too much liquid in one recipe), but I haven't had probs in a long time.
If only we didn't have gigantic lists of viable ingredient substitutions or ways to search lists of existing, tested recipes with various constraints.