
So much nostalgia is just 'you were a kid and your parents isolated you from things', like I don't have 2000s nostalgia and I'm betting the fact that dinner was mostly food bank hamburger helper plays a role.
I still remember my intro to film criticism course in 2005. We were watching Bob Roberts; my prof made some banal comparison of the film to the current admin of the time, and a student just started yelling at him, unprompted, about how "he wanted the terrorists to win." The 2000s fucking sucked.
in 20 years the nostalgic fellas are gonna say we all had to stay home for the first half of the 20s but at least we had this
🎶water fire air & dirt — fuckin farmer girls; how do they work?🎵
can’t wait for our grandkids to hear about our farming ways
That's not even good AI porn.
Gonna need a custom milking machine for that.
Also holy shit someone get a doctor to examine her left knee.
Sorry, should have tagged you in the post!
FWIW - I loathed 24. It was obvious, heavy-handed propaganda.
I never really realized it as it was happening, but that part makes so much sense in retrospect. The "hahaha furries are disturbed sex perverts" thing was totally part of the "push 'normality' at all costs" movement in media.
Is this why I bounced off Enterprise so hard?!
Me too. My standards for what Star Trek I will enjoy are extremely low and Enterprise flat-out puts me in a rage. Their mind AIDS episode was disgusting.
I don’t think I got that far. My only memories are the mpreg episode and the ‘trip and t’pol hate each other but have to slather gel on each other’s naked bodies in a small dark room’ episode.
Honestly I’m not even sure it was trip. White boys all look the same. 🤷
Most decades mostly suck. The 1990s definitely did, and I'm not nearly as fond of the 1980s as people who were children/teenagers then. We knew at the time that the 1970s sucked. Just living through the hangover from the 1960s.
Yeah, even the 60s, the archetypal “good decade,” involves a ton of racial violence, a cannon fodder draft for a bs war, so much dark shit lurking behind the counterculture, and huge swaths of the country where you’re only exposed to the counterculture on tv, if at all.
The eternal challenge to nostaglia dabbling is finding the bits to treasure while keeping your eyes wide open to the bits that sucked
The 80's and 90's didn't suck for me, but that was mostly because I was living in Europe and Asia and had no idea what was going on anywhere. No internet and very limited access to English news. Was kind of a bubble of heaven for a number of years.
Why, just the other day I was describing the 2000s teen boy fashion of cargo pants, a Hollister tee shirt, and a baggy unbuttoned short-sleeved shirt over top. [Shudder]
.... Wait, there are people trying to argue that the 2000s weren't complete dogshit? Who the fuck are these people. Christ, I was like a child during this time and know they were fucking trash.
and all this without even getting into the levels of homophonic, the weird creationism resurgence, the schiavo case, freedom fries, widespread appeal of rush limbaugh, etc...
my phone doesn't recognize homophobia. that's homophonic
It was originally going to be a three-parter but I realized that just the post-9/11 stuff was a full article in and of itself. I didn't even mention the eating disorders!
My parents are immigrants who do not have the urge to shield their child from US bs. The 00’s were terrible & the nostalgia, while not surprising, is mostly willful ignorance at this point.
The early 2000s, when car companies succeeded in overturning California's ZEV mandate, sold off battery patents to the oil industry, and reclaimed and crushed their EVs, and focused instead on pushing the most inefficient gas-guzzling SUVs money could buy.
Áratugurinn var alls ekki alslæmur. Early 2000s höfuðm við magnaðar Sigur Rós plötur og Amores Perros, Nói Albinói kom út 2003. Seinni hlutann höfðum við Amy Winehouse og Flight of the Conchords.
The internet, PS2 and subculture stuff was mostly cool. EVERYTHING else really sucked ass.
If you think the 2000s sucked the terrorists win.
I was in the army 2000-2008 and stationed in Korea on 9/11 then in and out of Iraq and missed a lot of the consumerist vibe. I can say that army culture changed too though. The best example I have is to check out the army creed before and after.
I like to joke that they just don't make good nostalgia anymore but after reading it, I wasn't feeling it.
adding CSI is a great touch. I forgot that shit was borne of the 00s
ok but "But, setting aside the question of whether we really need to bring back velour tracksuits with “JUICY” printed on the butt," WITH MODERN BUTT-ENHANCING FABRICS AND WORKOUTS, YES WE DO
I still have a Bondi Blue imac in the cellar. It is so heavy and awkward to carry that I haven't done anything with it. It's shaped the way you cut carrots when you want to test a diner's chopstick skills.
I dunno, Arrested Development alone puts it over 92% of all decades.
The only reason prior decades were better was that the climate crisis hadn't been locked in yet and we might have been able to fix things if ExxonMobile hadn't spent so much money to lie about it.
"Coming into political awareness just in time for Bush v. Gore to inform us that our vote, in fact, didn’t count, the youth culture of the 2000s had a nihilistic ethos of learned helplessness." Goddamn 😣
This is the problem with all nostalgia
Personally, I refer to that decade as "the zeroes" because as a society, we didn't really advance at all, and in many ways we regressed. So many missed opportunities...
idk why everyone considers that nostalgia is about the sociopolitical factors of the time period and not about the aesthetic and media of a time period. the 2000s sucked, it was gritty and edgy, but like any time period it was distinct and that distinction is objectively interesting
Good read. I've been noticing that some in my age group (late 20s) are already getting nostalgic for the early 2000s and jettisoning the bad parts from their minds. I hope to better persuade them the grass is not always greener.
I wish there was more of this genre also including the 2010s
I'd say it was leaps and bounds above the 2020s where we get to have global pandemics, global rise of fascism, "investors" buying up real-estate making housing unaffordable, a dearth of decent paying jobs, expanding wars, the impacts of climate change on full display.
I was in my 20s for most of the 2000s and became of voting age when W was up for reelection. I remember how racist, sexist and homophobic that entire decade was and I'm not fond of looking back on it.