
I can definitely suggest “find a thing that helps people that plays directly to your areas of expertise” as a total existential despair coping mechanism, speaking as someone with a life-long existential despair problem
I’m working on gathering support for research and policy work focused on strategies for protecting civilians from deadly attacks (both kinetic and information/data based) from small drones, which is an area that desperately needs more attention.
Seconded. Works for anxiety, too.
Indeed. Feeling somewhat useful is therapeutic.
Bit of a problem if you don't feel like you have any useful skills though.
I don't want to come across as some sort of toxic positivity nonsense person because I'm autistic and chronically ill and I know this feeling, but there are innumerable needs out there at all levels of society and useful doesn't have to mean skill-intensive.
i tend to think of things i have trouble doing due to health constraints, which is frustrating, but for example: showing up for community orgs trying to help people meet basic needs (food, cooling, etc). organizing/planning are skills, but they still depend on people showing up to help
i tend to think of the more skilled things i can do (quant analysis, data science, writing, photo and video editing, etc) as a niche sort of useful, but i frequently just wish i had a body i could rely on to be able to show up and help do the boring stuff that keeps things from falling apart
this is a self-absorbed copout. volunteer organizations everywhere are begging for help. pull up your socks.
Okay but that has nothing to do with '“find a thing that helps people that plays directly to your areas of expertise” as a total existential despair coping mechanism', does it? "Go out and volunteer even if you have no expertise" is an entirely different statement.
faine: do something with your skills you: i don't have any skills soooo… guess i'll do nothing! and it's your fault for saying it that way! is some waffles ass shit. you have a talent for being obnoxious and here you are wasting it.
Faine was offering that as an answer to existential despair. If that answer can't stand up to even the most simple and obvious scrutiny, it's not much of an answer at all. I'll also notice I never actually said "Guess I'll do nothing" - you seem to have imagined that part entirely.
Gardening is magical for those who physically can. Especially community gardens. They are relatively cheap ($30 for 20x30 feet here) to rent from year to year and can provide a ton of land for growing food. That and when the economy gets rough, you'll suddenly become a lot more popular. 😅
Anybody need computer help that doesn't involve building a website?
Agreed, spheres of influence and all Small, local support can spread into bigger things, and even if it doesn't it is worthwhile
Also: for anyone who has a modicum of privilege and wants to help: Don't go white savior mode, the ones most affected know best what is needed FIRST for their communities