
“Eating dogs and cats is gross and cruel” is an incredibly deep seated cultural sentiment in the US, you are *not* going to be able to logic people out of it, and it’s incredibly tiresome when commentators smugly note how illogical it is that most Americans would rather eat a pig than a puppy.
I thought “RFK ate a dog” was metaphorical, but I was startled to find out today that RFK really *did* eat a dog and took comedy photos with the corpse
Between this and the brain worm bullshit, just stay home at this point.
I somehow doubt the same relativists would condescend in the same way to Muslims for not eating pigs or Hindus for not eating cows. Every culture has their food things, for one reason or another.
Then there's the culture war set who would brag about sneakily feeding meat to a vegetarian or vegan. Impossible to verify, but speaks to the mindset.
I just read a reddit about the exact opposite, someone fed Beyond Meat to their guests telling them it was beef to "prove a point" and sent one of their friends to the hospital with an anaphylactic reaction to the pea protein -- *after* having asked about allergies.
I do worry about that, my kid has a nut allergy and I've asked him to be a bit discreet about it with other kids as he gets older. Somebodys little psycho is bound to test him at some stage.
I have a food allergy but fortunately it is to something that's not commonly put in basic foods and produces a quick, mild and immediate reaction such that have been able to recognize it before I ingest very much. And still, the number of people who have 'joked' to me about putting it in my food...
RFK is truly a man of the world: eating dogs *and* pigs, and being eaten by a worm
2 bucks says PETA backs Jr.
The stereotype is so prevalent and global because it is so easy to weaponize. It activates the “cannibalism” disgust impulse in a lot of cultures.
I used to work with a nice Filipino lady who told me a story from when she was a little girl. Two soldiers stopped by her family home one day and spoke with her father. The soldiers had demanded her pet dog for food. After she was sent inside, they shot it.
Man more people need to visit farms, pigs are mean and dangerous
Can't remember where it's from exactly but there's a Werner Herzog quote about how chickens are an evil and stupid animal but also tasty when fried. It's up there with him saying that sometimes watching crazy cat videos is good
same interview where he discusses his ability to hypnotize chickens, iirc
All animals are, depending on the occasion.
My great grandmother had to fight off a boar hog that grabbed my aunt's dress hem back in the 1940s. That boar refused to let go until Meemaw went for his eyes.
Just consider how hard it is to get Westerners to consider eating bugs which have fewer logical arguments in opposition and also aren’t charismatic megafauna
RFK Jr is from one of the most powerful political families in the US, and didn't stop to think that if he ever wanted to be part of the family business, creating photographic evidence of him breaking that cultural taboo would be disqualifying.
All feelings are illogical. People who smugly point out that “x feeling is illogical” lack so much self awareness that I’m really confused how they’re still visible on this plane of existence
Eating animals is gross and cruel. The end.
Agreed. Especially when you realize that all meat is murder.