
So as a general rule I agree with that we need a court to be able to rule on constitutionality, but I have no idea what we do when that very court is captured by people who disdain the constitution and those who are bound by it.
I don’t think it’s an exaggeration at all to say the decision threatens the Republic. I might not have said so in 2015, before I saw how triumphantly lawless and autocratic the President could be, and how so many people would applaud it or at least shrug.
You burn it to the ground (You don't salt the earth, though)
Like you have to, right? I don’t know where to get the fuel or how to strike the match, but at this point there’s no other sufficient recourse.
This is a body that has declared itself a super veto on all federal regulations from any time for any reason, and they’ve declared complete impunity for lawbreaking presidents who share their party. It really feels like a slow coup in robes.
Oh right and also bribery is legal if you jump through the easiest hoops in the world.
Bribery is relevant to Trump v. US too The dissent certainly thinks the majority's reasoning means you can't prosecute a president for taking bribes in exchange for a pardon, which just cannot possibly be right, if we know nothing else here we know that ain't right
“The president is not subject to the law and if you pay him enough neither are you” is literally the implication it’s bonkers
It’s the timing that is key! If you give him money to take certain actions before he does so it is a bribe. If you do it after it is a gratuity and legal! Very exciting to see what happens if they occur at the same time!
The legalization of naked corruption is in some ways the most infuriating part. Willing to sacrifice the basic principles of justice and fair government for- for what? Crowning this grotesque caricature of a human being?
There was a time not too long ago that people said, with some reason, that while the Court were a bunch of partisan hacks, they weren't particularly invested in the personal success of Donald John Trump, specifically Welp
The simpering lickspittle degradation defies description. "Yes, I will destroy the rule of law for Donald John Trump and clean his sneakers with my tongue", and for what? Because they think he can crush liberals better than they can?
Does any of the "logic" of the decision change if you find/replace "President" with "Justice"?
Doesn’t feel so slow now tbh.
This is the culmination but like, they stole an election to install their preferred ruler a quarter century ago.
True enough, I suppose the avalanche phase has just really gotten to me this week.
Definitely, they’re clearly feeling an impunity they’ve never fully felt before, and you can see it in how goddamn sloppy they are. They don’t care about giving reasoning for the stuff they do anymore, it’s just the way it is because they say it.
The common thread is “might makes right.”
they're buck ass naked if you've got the eyes for it
Yep. Court-packing offers the tantalizing promise of taking power away from the usurpers without ever exactly destroying the institution, but I dunno, I kind of suspect that's a fantasy
And it also invites tit for tat which leaves things maybe worse than before somehow. Like the fix has to be more fundamental than this.
One thing that makes me nervous about the resurgence of the court-packing talk is that it's not paired with "but first you absolutely must vote for Biden." Like, sorry, that's the literal bare minimum that is required if you want to have this conversation.
Biden and congressional Democrats, yeah Ideally this would become his platform now
It doesn’t even have to specifically be court packing, just “you need to elect democrats to office to rein in the most corrupt Supreme Court in American history.”
In a sense, this is the inverse of '16. McConnell held the SCOTUS seat open & the party responded accordingly. Now we have a situation where we can keep a lawless nazi from using these new executive powers & greenlighting Project 2025. Our side ought to be just as eager, even excited, to fight this.
Wait sorry how do they do that without packing the Court?
even with a substantial Democratic trifecta it's not gonna be easy
Packing the court may be a tit for tat (an R trifecta might just do it back) but a) that’s better than the status quo still where Rs have power even we win elections and b) at least MAYBE at some point it will get absurd enough (someone has to expand it by 20) that we get a Constitutional amendment.
Yeah, as I conceive of court-packing (which I support, have supported since 2017) it's meant to be like A means of forcing the Republicans into submission in the Judiciary Wars, setting up a peace treaty in the form of an amendment reworking Article III
Yes. The crisis has wormed its way into the heart of the constitution-with-a-lowercase-c and it's not getting out without surgery and reconstruction..
Create a Constitutional Court and a separate Court of Appeals to resolve circuit splits?
Well if someone is truly trying to kill you, you shouldn't be too concerned about how much force you use
Less concerned about that than just, what are the means and do we have them?
Raising the alarm about the fugitive court has to be the first move because it needs to be an on-the-bus/off-the-bus moment that we're no longer a constitutional democracy should figure prominently