
Not for nothing, and I know I’ve made this point before, I worry that the Whitmer enthusiasm on the online left right now is exactly the kind of thing that is set to curdle into “…just not *that* woman” in 2028, for the sin of not taking on Joe Biden *now*.
Lol is the online left big on whitmer (I believe you but I've effectively kept most of them out of my timeline)? She was the moderate dem candidate in the primary here and the left would 100% try to bury her for any number of things including e.g. her early stance on Gaza.
Anyway I think she's been a great governor but if the lefties are trying to draft her it's an incredibly transparent attempt just to ratfuck Biden rather than out of a real preference for Whitmer.
Oh, I figure every woman will be "not that woman" at some point. The men who confidently told me that they weren't SEXIST, they just didn't like Hillary, they would have voted for Warren -- and then turned on Warren for daring to run against St. Bernard -- gave that game away.
Only extrapolating from 2020 when literally the same exact thing happened to Warren.
Don’t worry. No matter what she does now, she’ll become “just not that woman” at the earliest possible moment. Every woman does.
Ah, the "she's too ambitious, she's not ready to run yet" to "she's too entrenched in The Establishment, she should've run sooner" pipeline.
AOC as well is presumably future persona non grata for publicly shutting down talk of a replacement
Doesn't the online left kind of hate voting?
I don’t mean voting per se, more the kind of shit that got hurled at Warren in 2020.
Thank goodness there isn't a traffic cone emoji.
What? People hold women to different and unfair standards? What? Its amazing, I mean I've never experienced this online. *stares at you*
I’m unclear if this is a specific accusation at me and if it is I don’t know what it’s supposed to be about.
It is. You've treated me like crap here before. Its why I stopped replying to your posts. I don't want to relitigate it. It is what it is.
My only other comment is that you're far from the only cis dude I was friends with when I was a cis dude who's suddenly treated me differently in discussion here. I've stopped getting mad about it and just been disappointed.
As soon as she’s nominated they’re gonna be talking long and loud about the Federal informants in the plot to kidnap her. You know, like Alex Jones et al. have been for years.
We had a primary. She threw her hat in the ring. It's not wise to suddenly undo the democratic process to put up a candidate who scored 4th place with less than 3% of the vote and was 2 places behind "uncommitted". Maybe stop behaving like frustration suddenly justifies being anti-democratic.
100% that is EXACTLY what's going to happen.
You give people's attention spans more credit than I do.
Only extrapolating from 2020 when literally the same exact thing happened to Warren.
Assuming her team is smart enough to keep them at a distance, that's very plausible