Kevin Whitlock (He/Him)

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Kevin Whitlock (He/Him)

Black Canadian. Script writer for SCP Archives Podcast. Experienced GM and content creator for Mothership and Dungeons and Dragons.
Not to be melodramatic but generative AI is an open assault on the idea that information can be verifiable or valuable
I didn’t expect to become so cynical about technologies to generate text, but here we are: a “coobook” purchased by a hospital, intended for use by patients. Note the “2000+ Day Recipe” panel. It is a lie. #MedLibs #AmReading 1/n
Aaaaand it's twenty pages. Will anybody even read this thing???
Finally writing an SCP article.
Microsoft installed AI bullshit on my PC without my consent and the first thing they suggest I do with it is commit a violation of academic integrity.
It's not working.
Israel Implemented More Measures to Prevent Civilian Casualties Than Any Other Nation in History
I thought that I didn't like Frozen. Turns out the movie is just mid for a Disney production. I saw the Broadway Musical and it blew the movie out of the water. Disney Frozen is about yet another magic princess. Broadway Frozen had *literal* magic. Like "did you make a deal with dark forces?" magic.
You mispelled "Israel killed 30000 innocent people."
Israel Implemented More Measures to Prevent Civilian Casualties Than Any Other Nation in History
Imagine having the audacity to make a bullshit statement and then when people point out your bullshit, just being like "oh but I never mentioned this specific thing related to my bullshit therefore you're not allowed to talk about it." 🙄🙄🙄 Please leave this kind of stupidity on X where it belongs.
Just finished listening to SCP Archives' Class of 76. That shit was fire and if you haven't listened to it you're missing out.
Having someone to occasionally get drunk with is highly underrated.
Writing is a real job. Pay writers. Don't pirate books. Don't use AI.
Everyone: You should be a writer Me: OK *later* Everyone: So what are you Me: I'm a writer Everyone: Writing's not a real job Me: ???
Finished the first draft of an SCP Archives episode based one SCP-2521. Dove face first into some of the extended canon developed by other authors for the creature and I think I came up with a solid episode.
I'm not the main character, I'm the writer's self-insert.
I’m not the main character, I’m the guy who goes missing in the first reel after encountering the monster so that my gross severed head can fall out of a crawlspace in the third act and scare the protagonists
Got to listen to the pre-final cuts of a couple episodes I scripted for SCP Archives and the team at Bloody FM totally knocked it out of the park. Incredible music, voice acting, and sound design throughout.
Holding a Gender Conceal party, in which I climb into a cake and my gender is never mentioned again.
pro tip: if you can't denounce slavery because doing so would anger your base, you're on the wrong fucking side
I could make such a great game for 800 grand. The game would be called "Joe pays off all his debts and hires his friends to draw a bunch of giant robots. Also you get to roll dice and stuff". It's a mouthful but I think it's helpful to let people know what kind of game they'll be getting.
normalize being trans just because you wanna. fuck this “being trans requires misery” bullshit. you can just wanna change your gender if you want. try it out. just fucking do it
My October 2023 horror comic, "Something Old," is complete! Read it here! When Claire witnesses an unimaginable horror, she goes to stay with her in-laws to try and heal. It doesn't quite work out that way. PLEASE MIND THE CONTENT WARNINGS FOR: suicide, violence, gore, blood, vomit (1/8)
Happy Partially Muscled Skeleton Stands By The Perimeter Fence And Screams For Thirty Seconds Before Vanishing day for those that celebrate
absolutely gutted by the news that Donald Trump was found alive in his home this morning
If you have any money to spare after taking care of the needs near you, please consider dropping a few dollars on my crowdfunding project. (Notice that that is not a quesiton.) Here:
Princess World - Short Story Edition - Physical A bundle by K. Petker (it/kay/kayr, $30.00 for 7 games
My cover for today's A.I. issue of The New Yorker more: