Fudd McDee

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Fudd McDee


Plant enthusiast, avid camper, gearhead, nerd and Twitch streamer @twitch.tv/fuddmcdee!
I know you've probably heard this a million times, but I'm going to say it again. It'll get better and everything happens for a reason. Sometimes the reason sucks, but it's there. You'll get stronger for the rough times. Promise :)
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Four O’clocks, also known as Marvel of Peru (Mirabilis jalapa). 🌱
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I’m finally here. It’s been an interesting year.
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Yep, he did such great things across the pond, I'm sure any candidate he backs will be a strong leader as well..... (/s, just in case)
Clearsky has some impressive numbers, and you've got a long way to go to the top
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if you are involved in local community, go to public events, attend protests, are politically active etc. you should take extra care and caution for a while and ensure your friends do as well
Reposted byAvatar Fudd McDee
can we please go one week without a decade happening
Reposted byAvatar Fudd McDee
If you’re keeping the NYT subscription for puzzles, try puzzmo instead www.puzzmo.com/today
hey everyone you really should cancel your subscriptions to the following - The New York Times - The Washington Post - The Wall Street Journal - The Economist - The Atlantic think about how much money you would save tell them you don’t like how their editors demonize trans healthcare repost this
Puzzmo — The (new) place for thoughtful puzzles.www.puzzmo.com Re-imagined mainstays like the daily Crossword Puzzle, modern classics like Really Bad Chess and SpellTower, and even a few brand new puzzles.
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People don’t even have to interact with me— I block because I didn’t like the way they looked at someone else. Blocking is vital to being able to remain in online spaces. Block me b/c my name reminds you of someone, b/c you don’t like how I use commas, whatever, I get it, protect your space!
“Blocked for mild criticism” I have blocked people for a sentence. I have blocked people for single words, and they weren’t even attacks. I have blocked people for their aesthetics. I can and will block you for my peace and you can do the same to me. That’s what we owe each other; nothing more.
My wife just called a summer sausage a "Canadian Waffle" in the middle of a word salad episode, and despite it not even remotely being accurate, I have to use it in the future.
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Rainy Days. Tried to force myself to do things outside of my comfort zone to keep progressing. So I made a background, it was awful, I hope you're proud of me.
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Just saw a kid with a wallet chain except it was his phone and I’m having a lot of trouble organizing my feelings right now
Well, feeds seem to be down, so time to flood all of you poor followers :P (Kidding. Pls fix, kthxbye)
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🌱You know when you plant something… and you try and keep the tag so you know what it is… but then the tag has gone missing? Yeah. It’s like that. NoID dahlia.
Going to fire up some For the King live on Twitch here in a few, for anyone interested in some RPGs, or you could just hang out and chat :) www.twitch.tv/fuddmcdee
FuddMcDee - Twitchwww.twitch.tv Time to break the cycle and play some For The King II Great little RPG
2 browsers, one for fun and one for work :)
Just gave out 3 of the first ripe Hatch Red Hot peppers at work! The season of burning bums is upon us!
That's where we got our start with it really. I get really down and bored in the winter and love having plants around. This is my 6th (I think) season playing around with indoor growing and my 4th year with hydroponics. I love the smell of plants in the tents in the winter :)
Monochamus scutellatus, commonly known as the white-spotted sawyer or spruce sawyer. (Thank you wiki!) Lil buddy rode on the hood for 3 miles at 45mph. Got the pic right before he took off for a new home.
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Francie is here with a BLEP vs. MLEM tutorial. A blep is when the tongue is just hanging out at rest, stationary. Mlem is an action word for when the tongue is performing a licking motion - hence the name which is an onomatopoetic interpretation of the sound it makes.
I picked up the Merlin bird ID app and have been "talking" to the local birds all morning with my phone.