Count of Monte Carlo 𓉡

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Count of Monte Carlo 𓉡

Solarpunk communist, novid enthusiast, falconeer and member of the Not Fine Gang.

Less posting, more building.
"you wouldn't steal a car" No, but I think pirate sites are doing a better job of archiving our media history as it unfolds than the ones doing the publishing of it & who demand sole control over evidence of its existence in exchange for unlimited financial gain Also I would absolutely torrent a car
The name for our mutual aid group was chosen without my input. And while for reasons you can probably imagine I’m not too keen on “it takes a village” it did give me a great opportunity to make a fairly obscure reference when numbering the sixth water cooler in our inventory.
What I learned today is that basically all the furries got Covid at AC24, seriously…it’s a solid quarter of the Covid mentions in the feed. Another quarter is people referring to it in the past tense and the other half are the poor bastards telling the tale of their current infection. What a world
I woke up and just had this awesome idea for what can help with the fact that wastewater indicates COVID non-spike baseline numbers are higher now than they were in 2020/2021: the government should set up some sort of center for disease control. That might really help. Who can I write to about this?
Honestly if you're some kind of Leftist Content Creator you have to be engaging in rigorous self-crit constantly, because the systems you're using and participating in, like discord, twitch, and youtube, are designed to turn you into a reactionary.
Dropout or someone forced to sacrifice everything to keep themselves safe while the 2020 back to the office enjoyers spearheaded a mass delusion. And for the record some of y’all could stand to drop out from something…anything besides just doing what capitalists tell you to.
No see this discredits it and proves we should listen to the Covid incautious community, famously free of assholes
The French Left has shown how not to capitulate to the far right. You don't negotiate with fucking fascists, you don't normalise them, or try to act helpless amid their rise. You don't move to the right to please them. You move further to the Left and BEAT them! That's what you do!
The name for our mutual aid group was chosen without my input. And while for reasons you can probably imagine I’m not too keen on “it takes a village” it did give me a great opportunity to make a fairly obscure reference when numbering the sixth water cooler in our inventory.
Every day I’m juggling, every day I’m juggling
I’ve spearheaded an operation to deliver ice cold water to an encampment of unhoused neighbors. The e-bike makes it so much easier but I’m still often having to do multiple trips a day. We really need to fundraise for ice or an ice machine. Buying $12 of ice a day is pretty unsustainable.
breaking the toxic masculinity of motorcycle culture by waving at scooters, mopeds, hell. e-bikes. bikes. pedestrians. it’s all of us against the f150s
Since our rag tag group of water jockeys formed three weeks ago we have not missed a day bringing multiple coolers of ice cold water to our unhoused neighbors enduring the Texas heat. But since we’re $150 in the red for the month any help is appreciated.
If anyone would like to contribute to the efforts we are undertaking here is my Venmo. Donations will go directly into ice and water jug purchases.
I’ve spearheaded an operation to deliver ice cold water to an encampment of unhoused neighbors. The e-bike makes it so much easier but I’m still often having to do multiple trips a day. We really need to fundraise for ice or an ice machine. Buying $12 of ice a day is pretty unsustainable.
This bike fucks. -the water pervert
Chronicles of a DIY Ebike #NewBikeDay Thank you to everyone who followed along and enjoyed this process with me! You folks are celebrated here today. Seriously ❤️ the encouragement from y’all throughout this process🙏🏻 I’m going to break down this post into a few different topics in the reply’s.
Chronicles of a DIY Ebike #11 Wiring and cable management has taken some weird turns. Trying to sort out what looks best. Sort of a vote for your favorite sneak peak sort of post. Happy Friday ya’ll
We’re working on the free version of amæzon. com #sharing #javascript coders 🥰 #sharebay
“Joining Socialism” can be a cleanup team, freecycle network, tenant union, mutual aid, food bank, or more formal Workers Party, union, neighborhood council, etc. We’re working on an app that facilitates the free transfer of goods and services. Interested?
I mean if we step outside of our little online bubbles and really listen to conservatives and their perspective, they'll openly and proudly tell you stuff that you can easily read about people saying in any history lesson about for example Germany 1939. It's quite extraordinary.
I feel extra doomed when I realize George W Bush is four years younger than Biden right now and he was running for reelection over 20 years ago!!!! Someone wheel Joe out to a painting class or something I don’t care as long as it’s not in the White House.
Sure, you drive on the parkway and park on the driveway, but you also drive in the bike lane and park in the bike lane. And the sidewalk. And the grass over there. My point is your car is fucking everywhere man.
Everyone who gets an e-bike starts out like "hey I rode 5 miles to a grocery store, got a bag full of cool vegetables, this rocks, look at this bok choy" A year later they're like "hey I just spent a month biking across the continent heisting innumerable banks and art galleries, look at this bok ch
My former roommate gave me the origin-8 pizza rack, then a year later lamented having to buy another one…which he never used. When we got gentrified he gave me the second rack. I don’t know why it took me, a seasoned bracketeer so long to put one on the back. These things weigh almost nothing!
I really need e-bikesky, cargobikesky, bikepacksky … just allthedamnsky to chime in on this one.
The thing about being too broke to afford components I need to buy is I get time to fiddle with the design. I was going to have the solar rack mount into the seat tube but why not relocate the top tube to serve that purpose to save weight and make more room in the frame?
Just a reminder that all e-bike folk ain’t me like folk. Personally I hope his heart explodes instead so someone more deserving can have that sweet efficient transportation from the estate sale.
just got catcalled in front of my own home by a man zooming around on an e-bike 🙄 had no sexual obscenities were a neighborly greeting choice these days
This is a must read. You got to stop thinking that evil is just a Republican thing or just an American south thing. All of your politicians are fucking evil and all of your politicians want you to be destroyed by Covid, H5N1, and so on. Don't vote, revolt!
I wish I knew more people, so that there would be the off chance that someone I know who was doing the whole atkins thing would die prematurely Then, I could make a joke about them dying of “Ketosis of the liver” Not only would it be funny maybe with the right people but possibly true And dark
Probably the most common refrain right here.
Yesterday my friend who got an ebike because of me said “my only regret about getting an ebike is not getting one sooner”
People really don’t like to look at their own complicity in “back to normal” COVID eugenics but accepting govt policy of “only the vulnerable/elderly/disabled people will die by the thousands each week, *you’ll* be fine” has directly fed the rolling boil of fascism American finds itself in now