
God I hate this shit. You're LIVING in the United States, you assholes. You don't get to decide that it's the finale. It's YOUR job to see that it isn't. It's all of our job. Save your plausibly deniable ironic defeatism for your group chat.
They want “rapture” just like MAGA, they just call it “revolution.” Saved by some mythical force
Yeah. It's different things. I realize my post has a lot of targets! There are the cosplay revolutionaries you're citing, but also just kinda moderately (but not highly) informed midwit Politics Knowers whose default attitude is "it's all a show and we have no power."
And just way-too-online people whose default attitude is DOOOOOOOOM and assume everyone agrees with them.
That mindset is a partner to “they’re all crooks.” Both lines of thinking have the same unintended object: to increase corruption and lessen democratic accountability. “My vote doesn’t matter” is their loser first cousin.
Still evangelical thought, just a new coat of paint
uhm excuse me FWP but i think if you check the rules it’s the billionaires who should have to fix things. shaming me or saying i need to do anything isn’t fair!
shame is my favorite though it is all I know tbh
It's just the *season* finale.
Ha valid. I guess every presidential election is THAT. (Even on Succession!)
We Online jokers of course used "tv season" jokes all the time during the Trump years (even after it got kinda cliche). But that was to make fun of THEM and their cartoonish malevolent dysfunction!
And your other point stands unchallenged: if it *is* a show, we're in it, a cast of millions, and it's up to us all to make sure the show goes on.
Instant follow. This is such selfish, self-aggrandizing bullshit.
Also guess what assholes, even if the catastrophic happens and trump wins, which I absolutely agree would be HORRIFIC, people are still going to live here and need help so no it’s not “over”. You continue fighting for greater justice every day until you die, that’s how it is.