genXcrone (she/her)(tldegray, anonymous_sibyl, gen_crone)

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genXcrone (she/her)(tldegray, anonymous_sibyl, gen_crone)

Disabled. Gen-X. Seven Sisters Alum. She/her. Voracious reader. I like SFF, yarn & wool crafts, sim games, and genealogy.

[Avatar: A B&W headshot of me. I am goofily sticking out my tongue. Background: pink cherry blossoms against a bright blue sky.]
Covid aware people are engaging in ongoing acts of radical hope. They are doggedly fighting to protect their own health, the health of vulnerable groups, and the overall functioning of society They do this despite shaming, mask bans, social cost, financial cost, etc. That’s surely not doomerism.
I’m just really over people calling COVID conscious/cautious people doomers.
Catching up and Britt Baker has me crying. Excellent promo. 🤼‍♂️
also, it’s time to pick blueberries again 🌱
26 states and D.C. are also now seeing what CDC classifies as "substantial increases" in COVID-19 emergency room visits Most states still at "low" overall for now, though Florida and Hawaii are currently at "moderate"
New today: CDC now estimates that SARS-CoV-2 levels in wastewater have reached "high" levels nationwide, for first time since past winter wave At state level, 26 now have COVID-19 levels that are "high" or "very high" in wastewater
This is a job for #NEISVoid! Long shot, but is anyone in New Jersey familiar with somewhere that does adult autism assessments? I'll tackle insurance issues after I even find a place. (Rutgers is no longer accepting referrals.)
I am on the phone with UnitedHealthcare checking my coverage and they are now calling their customer service reps "advocates." 😆 Advocates for who, UHC, because it sure as hell isn't me.
Disability Pride Month Fund Friday. Drop your funds + links if you need a boost: - Mutual Aid - Abortion - Transition - Medical Bills - Moving - Access Needs - Whatever you need Please make sure you add alt text and make your skeets as accessible as possible. Beware of bots and scammers.
Something is bothering me over the "elder abuse" statements. Not a one of them is presented as if the person believes or cares, but instead as a nasty gotcha: "he's so old he needs a keeper." Is that your usual response to elder abuse? Or are you joking about a serious thing as if it's not?
Hey wow as someone with a stutter y’all are not kind At all Do you know what happens when you have the kind of stutter where you swap words? Your brain makes an association in a split second and you go “no, not that”, especially when nervous, and it just blorts out of your mouth.
We can argue ALL day long about whether that is “presidential”. But when you are taking a huge dump on him, going lol we’re doomed he can’t even talk, he’s demented (never mind what that MEANS), calling him the R WORD— all you’re doing is making this world less hospitable to other stutterers.
As a disabled person reading posts on this app I constantly feel like the ball in a pinball game, shoved from one battering to another. If you don't, I'm glad, but I do, and this is a feelings post.
I am 1 ppv and 4 episodes of AEW behind. And it's stuff I want to see, too, so skipping is no fun. It might be time for the super fast-forward version of a catch-as-catch-can-watch. Extra sass included.
shout out to Horn Pond in Woburn Mass. for being shaped like a cartoon whale with the face of John Quincy Adams
Feels like a bunch of people who were outraged at "vote uncommitted" in the primary are now outraged at voting for the guy they said we had to support???
NEW: AOC introduces articles of impeachment against Justices Thomas and Alito for failure to disclose gifts and failure to recuse. Cosponsors: Lee, Tlaib, Watson Coleman, Ramirez, Frost, Omar, Bowman Thomas: Alito:
Disability justice is essential to: racial justice lgbtq rights housing justice feminism reproductive rights marriage equality workers rights anti-capitalism child welfare climate justice prison abolition It’s Disability Pride Month. Show up for us & for collective justice. Step one: wear an n95.
NEW: Former WSJ health-care reporter Stephanie Armour files a disability discrimination lawsuit against the paper, alleging her editors kept trying to revoke her disability accommodation of working from home and ultimately made it impossible for her to continue there (via David Folkenflik)
‘Wall Street Journal’ sued by star reporter for The Wall Street Journal has conducted multiple rounds of layoffs this year. In a lawsuit, former reporter Stephanie Armour says the paper tried to shed employees with significant health-care costs by ...
I think about this often and also how suppression of knowledge and lived expertise is a tried-and-true strategy of control, whether it’s via bombing journalists and poets in Palestine or governments not funding liberal arts education or the way Disabled knowledge is made invisible and isolated.
Just thinking about how most people don’t have access to accessibility education. Disabled knowledge and knowledge of disability are mostly inaccessible to people outside the community.
Just thinking about how most people don’t have access to accessibility education. Disabled knowledge and knowledge of disability are mostly inaccessible to people outside the community.
The Oregon DOC will no longer force people who are incarcerated to pay hundreds — or even thousands — of dollars for medical devices, such as hearing aids and prosthetic limbs. People incarcerated in Oregon typically make less than $100 per month.
Oregon Department of Corrections ends practice of charging prisoners for medical The Oregon Department of Corrections will no longer garnish the wages of prisoners who need medical devices, like hearing aids or prosthetic limbs.
#Helpsky #MutualAid #MutualAidRequest
Our house needs tons of repairs, our pets need a lot of care, and the we're always running out of necessities. Getting us items on our needslist helps us put more of our own money into stuff like paying bills. 🟠 #MutualAidRequest #MutualAid #Helpsky 💸💕🆙️💰
Check out my list on
I am looking for plus-size, knee-high compression socks. Specifically in neons, but also in fun, bright patterns. Bonus if you can say the socks do not feel awful in your feet. Double bonus for small businesses within the disability community. #NEISVoid #Disability
#Helpsky #MutualAid #MutualAidRequest
EMERGENCY I am late on rent and my account is over drawn. I desperately need to 400$ ASAP to secure my housing. I just got out of the hospital and very much need this taken care of. cashapp and venmo work best 💸💕 #MutualAid #helpsky #Urgent
Rogue Fembot (4 links) Crochet, Knit, letterpress and writing, all in one!
Here’s a video I’ve been meaning to put together explaining how to use CO2 monitors to gauge COVID risk. If you’d like to own this great public health tool, Aranet have kindly offered to collaborate on a GIVEAWAY! To win an Aranet4 indoor air quality monitor, check the YouTube video description.
This Tech Can Help Detect Virus Here’s a video I’ve been meaning to put together for a while explaining how to use carbon dioxide monitors to gauge virus transmission risk. If you’d like to...
People who believe nothing you post has impact- have no idea how to use a platform & they may also have an interest in discouraging you from speaking out. Online activism matters. Look at what they did to Twitter. Twitter was previously one of the most important communication tools on the planet.