Public Universal Girlfriend 🏳️‍⚧️

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Public Universal Girlfriend 🏳️‍⚧️

39+ Transfemme

That moment where, inspired to write about the places from our history that never leave us, i have to stare into the politicization of my body as being a thing which will someday if not already be the thing which prevents any hope of return.
With my rough draft done, I'll be chilling at #SDCC24. I'm moderating 1 panel: "In Our Villain Era: Tor's Version" Sat 7/27, 10:30am Rm 10 with,, and Ken Bebelle!!! Evil in its evilly evil-est! And there's a signing right after! See you there! ✨🧙‍♀️✨
The posters in replies trying to get some big account attention with some spicy transphobia are a bit too successful at that imo.
Unlimited war on reply guy transphobia.
The "trans women are all coastal elite techies" shit hit me like a truck when Fae pointed this out to me. Like, there are analogues to historical anti-semitic conspiracies in nearly every facet of transmisogynistic propaganda, and I'm grateful to my Jewish trans sisters for pointing it out.
jewish people in the lead up to WW2 were also locked out of the formal economy with a notable exception of the financial district. jewish communities supported one another, creating self-sustaining pockets via local businesses. jewish women worked the brothels in service to gentile men
fuck nyt and wapo obviously but its very funny to me that in both of those towns there is an even more evil newspaper and they are just called the new york post and the washington times. 10\10 bit.
I can't believe they would be mean to me! I'm the good part of the problem!
CW: Prison Violence Thinking about the Atlantic again. One way I've changed as a person in the last 10 years is that I now better understand why, to Jeffrey Goldberg's surprise, he did not receive thanks from a prisoner for being the "good" prison guard that wasn't beating him.
From Prisoners: Jeffrey Goldberg watches his friend beat a Palestinian prisoner and then covers up the From Jeffrey Goldberg's Prisoners: ...
I need a take from real public universal girlfriend heads. Pugheads, if you will Do I seem like squirrel kin?
Genuinely not trying to dunk on you! I completely understand not expecting him to have said something like this.
I am being sued by Francis Fukuyama for, among other things, being a "bandwagon fan" of big nothing.
I think Biden should drop, but he won't and I'm okay with that. I'm in the pocket of Big nothing, because nothing ever happens.
I'd argue that even many of the remaining pro ones look toward their anti democracy colleagues to justify their own policy ideas. David Frum's article to the effect of "if liberals won't enforce borders, fascists will" weighs heavy on my mind here.
Can you imagine how much square enix could demand for a figure print service
Good news the reactionary right won't let me do car stuff until Tuesday
Can't wait to play FFXIV all weekend except I gotta do car stuff
Can't wait to play FFXIV all weekend except I gotta do car stuff
Anyone have any tricks for reducing phone time even you're bad at avoiding distraction
I wonder what Peter Thiel's game plan is for the leopards.
Growing old is both scary and a privilege that everyone should enjoy. Many trans people say they didn't expect to make it to 29, let alone 40, or 60. Every day we persist makes someone else's persistence, if not more likely, more plausible.
I think Biden should drop, but he won't and I'm okay with that. I'm in the pocket of Big nothing, because nothing ever happens.