kayfabe schadenfreude

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kayfabe schadenfreude


ex-sysadmin, former R&B vocalist, currently an ACS CCP® cheesemonger working in an artisan creamery and living in the high desert of rural oregon with a yeti

have you considered not feeling? 😉
oh dang it's The Dread* insomnia then The Dread, perfect, i'd been feeling far too good and normal lately, def let's do this instead --- *what i call my anxiety and panic disorder
insomnia, so bought a dress off amazon idk why i keep my phone by the bed
made some kraeuterbutter gravy and it's freakin' awesome
lol they're not 'believers,' they just want regulations killed so they can kill people and planet faster
yesterday i had two (2) espressos with cocoa whipped cream on top and it was FABULOUS
idk if you've thought about this but you can, if you want, just make some cocoa whipped cream, and have it on top of your coffee beverage
in his defense, our artisan cheese surprises most americans too
dear mr sandler i have just watched your film 'spaceman' and it was beautiful and i loved it, thank you to you and all involved cheers, me
the yeti, who would probably live completely underground if he could, is building a new computer and it's FULL DAY OUT but he's got three lamps on and the blackout curtains closed so i said 'open the fucking drapes, omg dude, there's free light RIGHT THERE IN THE SKY!!!' but he totally didn't
also i startled him when i hollered about the drapes and he just looked at me with those big brown eyes all startled and surprised and now i feel violent and bad lol he's such a gentle dark-dweller, running up my electricity bill for no damn reason i'll make HIM pay it this month lol
kali maa! jai kali! om kring kalikaye namah!
honestly i just assumed you were a devotee of kali
have you ever known anybody named, like, kelly, or shelby, or blake, or cameron, or onlineuser25 because some of them are boys, and some are girls, and probably some are neither or even both one doesn't just assume gender here in the future, are you off your whole entire rocker lol
babies are interesting because they're insane but they they grow out of it and get all normal and shit
calm your tits, i have no idea who this person is and i can't be bothered to read a profile, so i used 'they' rather than 'she' so i wouldn't be assuming gender based on name/handle like some total fucking asshole
you don't know that libraries are online, nor that several of them allow non-locals who aren't served by local libraries to sign up and borrow ebooks, music, and movies from them conclusion: you are a kid who wants to steal stuff because it's cooler than a library card
you're arguing with a kid who thinks "i can steal stuff if i want because of how computers work, there's just duplicate files, it's not theft, plus i don't understand IP or morality yet" and you're asking them to grok wage theft? ;-)
wanna live in [my idea of (which i got from bbc tv)] an english village, with a pub i could hang out in all the time and walk home from, and a cottage with a big work table in the kitchen what do i need to be in order to be allowed to move to the uk, is being able to say "thermophilic" enough or no
yes hello we are police we did absolutely fuck-all but you gotta admit we were totally in danger the whole time, please quadruple our war budget
They still say 'churchgoer' as if it still meant what it used to. The majority no longer go; church(es) no longer serve or support the mainstream. To call someone a churchgoer now means to call them anachronistic, backwards, racist.
lol this thread made be buy it, too