DSA Wellbutrin Caucus

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DSA Wellbutrin Caucus


Gerry, he/him. A subway-track garbage fire in human form.
Forever referring to the GOP as "the Party of 9/11" from now on.
Look, if you think the party of 9/11, Afghanistan and Iraq, the Great Recession, the COVID crisis and 1/6 can magically orchestrate an autocratic takeover the US flawlessly I would like to know why. I do think however, there are many ways in which a flawed takeover could be really really bad.
anyone who discusses NY-16 and neglects to mention that it had a level of racial polarization you'd normally associate with either the Deep South or the 20th century, and that such polarization is not unusual in the tristate suburbs, is missing an essential part of the story
Despite being a witness to several admittedly awful crimes in NYC, this place is empirically safer than any of the suburbs I've ever lived in or visited, and I will not let Eric Adams change that: archive.is/NJMYH
The right-wing shift on hating psychotropic medication (but especially Adderall and related meds) is particularly disgusting. It flies in the face of objective evidence and lived experience of ND folks, and its "Medication is for the weak/lazy/gross disabled people" just reeks of fascism.
"Reckless driver kills 10-year-old girl". FTFY, Eyewitness news.
ABC: 10-year-old girl killed after being struck by vehicle in Williamsburg abc7ny.com/10-year-old-...
I can pinpoint the End of History to an exact day: May 1, 2015, with the release of Age of Ultron. Culture has been running on fumes since then.
When you definitely have places to go and a back up plan for the superhero boom ending.
Just the absolute funniest goddamn headline. The Onion couldn't top this.
I am forever wondering just how much misogyny from men is just cognitive dissonance over repressed queerness.
Is it me, or are articles like these on "positive/progressive masculinity" just incredibly tiring and essentialist? Like, why should a man (assuming he isn't a misogynist) care if a positive character trait is "masculine" or "feminine" or not?
Opinion | Men are lost. Here’s a map out of the wilderness.www.washingtonpost.com No one's offering men a model except the right. It's time for a new plan.
I've been on Bluesky for precisely six hours, and the feeling of switching from Twitter to here reminds me of the clarity I got from the first time my anti-depressants started working. Twitter is just that fucking godawful.
Extremely grateful that my posts on that other app were deemed un-dogshit enough to have earned me an invite code from a friend.
Bluesky posters: weird little freaks (complimentary) Threads posters: weird little freaks (derogatory)
End of feed.