
anyone who thinks harris is gonna get an easy walk from the nation’s newspapers and editorial boards if she were to become the nominee is absolutely lying to themselves
If the Biden Drop Out!s get their wish they’re going to regret it like three weeks later when they see how the media covers it
the NYT’s specific op-ed bent is that they are the kingmakers who will decide the election on the democratic side and if she doesn’t kowtow to them, she will get the same treatment biden is getting and clinton got, but kowtowing won’t matter to actual voters
No one with any real power at the NYT will suffer harm under a corrupt, authoritarian regime, and that arrogant insulation comes through every damn day
At least, they don't expect to. They're probably right. But they're going to be awfully surprised if they're wrong
Yup. Particularly with Trump, if he happens again. Notoriously grudgy and vindictive. But it's about how the NYT leaders and top editors behave now. With a sense of remove, even if they may prove wrong.
they may when Times v. Sullivan is overturned.
They're fucking cheering for it. They want a regime of white male dominance, and they don't think Comstock laws will impact their pleasures.
"unelected Kamala Harris takes over a shaky Democratic party on the verge of collapse."
Whole lot of people really eager to go back to "Dems in Disarray" stories
I would just like someone to explain to me how he suddenly became too old specifically when he gave his first debate response last week, and why we couldn't have had this conversation in January when there was a very clean way to pick a new candidate
pretty sure she will get the same treatment regardless of whether she tries to accommodate them or not
The number of mediocre white men taking shots at her under the guise of "wondering if she can handle the stress" will make the Clinton handling look like child's play.