
while i am at it, i don’t think it is necessarily true that a woman of color is predestined to lose a presidential election, but i think attempting it under these circumstances and in this time frame takes a bar that’s already higher than it has ever been and doubles it
she is an extraordinary leader but this asks her to pull off the greatest feat in the history of american presidential campaigns with basically four months to do it
"Can Kamala do it" is a fine question, but we are also obligated to ask ourselves "can we collectively get our misogynoir under control for the next four months". Individuals have very limited control over national politics, but we could all interrogate our own "a woman but not that one" tendencies.
Given how much of the post-debate hysteria was "how can we replace Biden with literally anyone but the one person constitutionally mandated to replace him, anyone but her, because reasons," I think we have our answer on the misogynoir question.
Like trump would relish a chance to energize the racists and women haters against his opponent.
I guess that's also why Pres. Biden gave the wrong answer when asked about his age. The *right* answer was: "If I have a medical emergency, I have an awesome VP to take over. If DJT does, you get whatever random sycophant the RNC enlists as your president."
And if Biden is as far along as the panic suggests, a vote for Biden is a vote for Harris anyways. Doesn’t seem like much reason for her to blow up the party to get there anyways.
ngl tho, part of me is also at least somewhat hopeful that we got all the unabashed electoral women hating out of our systems in 2016, and I kinda sorta think that, on some level, Hillary *had* to lose in order to allow some other woman to eventually do it.
Tho I've also seen a bunch of woman-hating Bernie Bros poking their wretched heads out today and deigning to tut-tut to us about WHY their Hillary hatred is still justified today because those complaints about SCOTUS were *threats!!*, don't you know? So maaaaaybe some of us aren't past it quite yet.
I'm afraid the only way to beat those guys is to keep pushing. The sexism on both the right and the left is still stunning, and the misogynoir is off the charts. I try to be hopeful, but increasingly find it impossible.
So this is part of why I think the only way a switch only works if Biden resigns and she runs as an incumbent. Which is insane, I know, but wouldn't the tight timeline kind of work for her? It feels like the hate machine would need time to retool the message.
With 70+% of voters saying Biden is in no state to be president right now, we are running for the first woman president anyway. It's just ambiguous whether it is Jill Biden or Kamala Harris, and that ambiguity is not going to be making that run easier. After that Vanity Fair disaster, Kalama it is?
(I went into my phone book and replaced changed my contact’s name to K@mila lol)