
not for nothing but if i were in the biden admin, i’d ram a whole megaton of maximizing executive orders through while every reporter in america is fixated on biden old, since they’re clearly not going to cover anything else this week.
note: this poster has never worked in a white house
I've worked in *a* white house, but not the one where the president lives, it's just a white-painted residence.
CNN got angry at Biden signing a bill into law founding a research center for finding a cure for Parkinsons is where we're at.
A bill that presumably needed republican support since they control the House?
Hes just an uwu small bean who thinks Biden had Parkinsons.
Okay, he should probably delete the tweet
Gawd I wish we had you and heading up his comms
One big policy per week, announced in 5-10m televized mini-speeches. Tell everyone the theme and the time two days in advance. Take back the narrative
What kills me is that something like this is so eminently DOABLE. Like, just fucking do it! Be dark Brandon/SOTU Biden! The press will acknowledge it! Your base will love it! Most crucially, Undecideds will perk up!
Like, oh…you want a presser? Have I got a presser for you…and here's another. And another!
As I've been saying all week, Biden's problems are repairable, but if he can't or won't repair them, he should get out of the way so Harris can
what's not tenable is hoping he can coast through to November; it'll be a giant disaster
Harris makes the distinction between the candidates even more clear. Woman. Minority. Younger. And she is a fighter. I am still rid’en with Biden but would be on board with Harris.
yep the media will use the 'fit to serve' narrative and grind him to dust by election day like it's 2016 all over again
Agreed. He's doing the job [but getting rolled by Netanyahu in ways he ought to see coming from miles away] Dementia? No. Decline? Yes, obviously, he is in his 80s. We know the media is unfair but the issue is can the Biden Campaign figure it out or not? Can they respond? So far the answer is meh.
either way hurry the fuck up folks!
Monday’s address telling us to vote because he can’t do anything about the Supreme Court doesn’t fill me with hope that he will repair the problems.
Age related decline is not repairable.
Does she have her own comms team, or are they shared?
And Trump has demonstrated you don't even have to follow up. Tell the press something is coming in two weeks and they've memory holed it by then.
and maybe if they did eventually notice, it might trigger a "how did the very old man do this?" response rather than "we talked to a Federalist Society lawyer who explained all the ways Biden's Stop Grinding Orphans into Dog Food executive order is blatantly unconstitutional"
may as well do this a bunch today
I know it’s not a big media market, but the LA Times did manage to do the minimum yesterday. (Please, use the NYT for fish wrap, read the LAT instead.)
I think this is right. Also, they’ll be official acts, non? He should Have some Fun with them.
Official act: Have Ivanka’s grave exhumed. Maybe even have it placed in a location of respect and dignity
drop 6 Supreme Court nominations and float a list of judicial nominees for the new circuits. they'll go apoplectic
You have to understand half the government has this 19th century ass schedule where they go home for the summer
It would be inspired decisive action that would make it plain he was doing something right when the national mood is FUCKING DO SOMETHING so it's a good idea. Unfortunately I have no faith he'll actually do it.
Yeah, he has the spotlight right now and he needs to use it or get off the stage. Starting a beef with the NYT would be a good place to start.
1) feisty is a much better look if he's interested in staying in the race 2) It would Garner him more attention which he could direct toward any damn thing he wants 3) they deserve it for being so fucking weird and obsessive
Process perverts winding up to tell you why it can’t happen