
it doesn’t happen anywhere near as often as the reverse, but i always cringe and die a little when i see an american poster try to canadasplain canadian politics to a canadian. woof, man.
Not surprised it doesn't happen as often, Jeet Heer isn't here
I spent a weekend in Montreal. Let me tell you why PQ isn’t going to win your riding.
Yeah! Telling other people how their politics work based on vibes and knowledge of our own country rather than the other country is OUR thing!
Yes, though on the other hand some misbegotten soul doing this may cause a moment of reflection for perhaps one percent of the Canadian posters who have made American politics integral to their disintegrating mental health so in that sense it is a service
As an actual Canadian, I can Canadasplain Canadian politics in two words: Fatal Mediocrity.
I am legally Canadian and spent last weekend at Trenton airbase listening to francophone news, clearly I am an expert
Of course my Canadian friends kept trying to talk about the debate to me and it made me want to die so fairs fair
I think this even makes you qualified to explain Quebec.
Guess why I speak French! (Actually that's the new brunswick) but yeah lmao Quebec is a place
OK, but New Brunswick raises an important question: chicken or seafood rapûre?
Neither, I am from the lobster area (moncton) though rapure looks delicious
Well technically my mom is from. My family are the new Brunswick equivalent of city slickers.
It's something I honestly miss. But man, I am not doing the work necessary to make the potato base for it.
Turnabout is fair play