
this is a poster’s instinct, not a politician’s, but it would be extremely funny if biden shot back at big dem donors by saying that they are just afraid he’s going to increase their taxes (and i think for a subset of them, this is genuinely true)
abigail disney’s staggering hypocrisy here is one of the many ways in which you get reminded that even when astronomically wealthy people pay lip service to equality and progressive politics, they understand that the rules they themselves agree with in theory will not be applicable to them
i don’t think that’s necessarily true of disney herself, but i think abigail disney believes, as all obscenely wealthy people do, that her wealth and privilege provide her with special insights and power that entitle her to speak for the people in a first amongst equals capacity
I do think there's a fair amount of motivated reasoning going on, though. Both because of the hubris of wealth and because Biden (U of Delaware) is very much not a part of that particular bubble.
I don't think it's an accident he's facing the most viscious elite revolt since Carter.
no one believes in the myth of meritocracy more than the american who thinks they are different than every other american born on third base
I have advanced degrees from state schools and lived in Boston with several Harvard grads and lets just say even though I liked the guys I personally lived with that the networking opportunities were zero because I despised the finance motherfuckers they knew and brought around
People tend to believe they live in a just world, so Disney and her ilk have to believe they got their extreme wealth through exceptional merit (rather than extreme luck).
She is absolutely delusional. Coming from working in the Disney industry, she has an obscenely oversized view of her own importance
self-delusion comes so naturally until enviro stressors slap u out of it guess wh class of ppl has few stressors
refusing to relinquish the tools and power of elite aristocratic paternalism is an affirmative endorsement of elite aristocratic paternalism, and, like, maybe i wouldn’t give them up, either, but you’d be right to call me what i am
I mean, he funded the tax police so that's already happening to an extent.
what with the IRS having more money to spend on investigations, this is already true
The Walker Bragman/Disney alliance
feel like that’s fairly clearly implied