
not for nothing, but there’s something incredibly unseemly about watching the nation’s newspapers laser focused on biden old fifty times a day for over a week now, there *are* other important news stories in the world that deserve covering.
Israel-Hamas negotiations resume; U.S. hails ‘breakthrough’ A senior U.S. administration official hailed “a breakthrough on a critical impasse” as Israel ordered its negotiators to return to the Qatari capital, Doha.
Gonna be wild if one of the things the ends up enabling a deal to go through is news medias focus almost entirely coming off this war right at a critical juncture in a way that gives negotiations some breathing room
Was just coming here to say this Also if the US election has become about something else, Bibi has less motivation to ratfuck Biden
i wonder what the vibes of a biden-brokered ceasefire are going to be like on here
Total skepticism & criticism until it's too late to matter. Note how well-received the aid pier was
"He didn't do it earlier, and he only did it because we bullied him, so it doesn't count and we are Very Smart And Supremely Important."
Everything is always the Democrats' fault is a pretty safe assumption
"He didn't get Israel to disappear."
they are already loosening up the goalposts in preparation
The ceasefire in the winter came and went, and the left didn’t take notice. Of course lives are more important than tweets so I would rather the final ceasefire go through and get no credit if that’s what happens
I have just learned the devastating fact that with every passing hour Joe Biden gets 3600 seconds older.
I'm surprised more commentators haven't wondered if Ronaldo, at his advanced age, still has the cognitive ability to play football at Euro level.
39 for soccer forwards is like 81 for politicians
But will it quiet the "Ceasefire Now!"/"Genocide Joe!" crowd?
But Biden isn’t involved in that.
The administration has been, for better or worse, deeply involved in a lot of this. If he gets the blame for everything Bibi does, he gets the credit when it works too. And "Joe gets a ceasefire, only to immediately be pushed out as the nominee two seconds later" would...not go well.
“Biden finally listened to us, got a ceasefire, and THEN you got rid of him?”
Biden has been the primary force behind getting Israel to accept a cease fire. He recently locked Israel into the current negotiations by stating that the cabinet had agreed to the deal, backing Bibi into a corner. This breakthrough was preceded by a Biden-Bibi call going over the deal line-by-line
Israel hasnt accepted any ceasefires so Biden hasn't been much of a primary force in that regard
Maybe it's a distraction. The world may never know
Unseemly is also the word used in conversation w Diane Rehm. I agree! It is childish and cheap.
Certainly fits with the SC's recent rulings that nothing done by the admin matters unless it emanates from the personage of the President. Didn't know Sulzy, in particular, was a unitary executive kind of guy, but to be fair it's a philosophy that would make sense to a nepo baby.