
If you are a non-Black person in conversation about the Civil Rights Movement with a Black person, please do not do this! I didn’t learn about the suffering of my people for critical analysis or to build arguments, but for my survival. I live this. It’s wildly disrespectful to my experience.
oh this just made me HISS THROUGH MY TEETH
Claire, the restraint I needed— 😤
“oh, you’re a real life Black person? well, I have read several articles about racism. check and mate”
Clearly I need to teach more children about civil rights before I can demonstrate as much knowledge as him. Silly me, thinking that the generational knowledge of my family could even compare
the cishet white dude thing of treating everyone else’s lived experience like opinions while their own opinions are facts 💀
Holy crap did my eyebrows fly up when he said "you don't understand the question". Just, wow.
When I wrote my APUSH final paper on white backlash to the Civil Rights Movement and why Selma was the last movement victory, I guess I didn’t understand the question!
And you thought you had what it takes to argue with a white high school history teacher.
Ironically my actual white HS history teacher told me he would have made my paper assigned reading if the coursework took us that far Almost like he respected me as a person
I think this hit me because he sounds so much like my white former-history-teacher father. I'm glad you had a good one!
That's because he's a decent person. When we deal with racists, yeah like that guy... they always come out condescending, because they haven't gone completely insane yet like the MAGA crowd.
well! I'm definitely totally disinterested in seeing another post from that guy ever again!
It’s why the @ isn’t blocked out. With the nuclear option here, there’s no need to protect anyone except other users from these takes
Oh I enjoyed blocking him. Nice way to end the day.
For sure an instant “mute”. Won’t even give him the smug satisfaction of a solid block for him to use as oppression bait
I don't care. he can go tell god on me or whatever
He’s the type to build his own oppression wherever he goes. It’s not on us to protect him from that.
Nah, I would block. Bluesky is a great platform and the moderation tools are great. But when bad actors jump ship from the dying X, we don't need to waste our time with them.
They were a lawyer for 15 years and became my e a high school teacher. Explains so much.
last I checked teaching wasn't a billable hour job. wonder what happened
I was about to write out that I cannot understand how white people think of the actual lived experiences of BIPOC as useful thinking exercises for their classrooms, instead of, you know, real, harrowing, truthful stories of people's lives. Except I totally can. Racism is a powerful drug.
And the most galling part is that he probably thinks he's being antiracist by teaching this stuff. Particularly based on how he phrased his whole "you're wrong" message to you. fuck.
“Instead of stripping the history out entirely, I present it as a thought exercise for white children to determine whether direct action from Black people or reluctant lawmaking from white politicians was responsible for ending legal segregation. I’m such a good person!”
I hope he sits on tacks every day for the rest of his life.
also it took me an unreasonably long amount of time to figure out he wasn't a BTS army member. ... which made the whole "let's talk about Black American history like it didn't happen to actual human beings" thing even weirder.
THAT was the either/or?! He teaches civil rights by pretending it's the chicken or the egg puzzle? Which doesn't even match metaphorically, but he's trying. And in front of someone for whom this isn't abstract theory. Yiiiiiikes
can you imagine? It'd be like teaching WWII as an either/or the Hiroshima bombing ended everything OR the Battle of Kursk (eastern front) was what did the Axis in. Like... it'd probably make his white man brain explode.
You gotta be fucking kidding me.
For real though. Like I read “you’re wrong.” And I was like I know you lying this cannot be real life.
did this dumb motherfucker just try to Blacksplain to you
He really did! Because teaching HS history is the pinnacle of knowledge and experience
“as a white cis male, please understand that my experience grading history papers far outweighs your lived experience as a Black woman along with your relatives and ancestors and allows me to explain your life to you better than you ever could. sorry, that’s just how the Aryan cookie crumbles”
just waiting for that dumb motherfucker to Asiansplain to me and justify it by saying he ate at Panda Express that one time
Here was his response when I connected this to his stance on Palestine:
I’m assuming his head will explode when he sees my reply. White male mediocrity just loses its shit when people identify it.
I literally saw how gross you were to her. Your condescension was disgusting even had you been right, which you were not. She knows more about the Civil Rights Movement than you do. But yeah, 😂 I’m the “fucking idiot.” I guarantee your students see right through you. Teenagers are smart.
I blocked him precisely so I wouldn’t engage or see anything he thinks!
White people are born experts, there’s no way the rest of us can catch up, even on topics and experiences that we create! Luckily, we had the gift of the white man to set us straight
ah yes! you haven’t truly experienced actual history until you walk a mile in their Crocs
Ho. Ly. Shit. The amount of arrogance to type out “I hope you enjoy your opinion. It's wrong, but that's only because you don't understand the question” is staggering.
oh man I went to that dude's page and he's quoting . . . the West Wing?
I mean, I love the West Wing but I also know the very very conservative limits of that show (which is literally political fantasy) and I hope he's not taking it seriously.