Greater Than Stupid

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Greater Than Stupid

Tech Nerd from the Rust Belt. He/Him.
why does no one talk about the fact that trump treats every speaking engagement like an abusive manipulator treats their victims? it took me awhile to realize why i have the emotional response i have to him, and now i remember. it's called trauma.
went to a nice italian place just to order the suburban american special -- spaghetti with meat sauce
keeping the Stanley Cup in the States for another year!
Question for the audience: When you read an author’s bio (on a book jacket or elsewhere), what kind of information are you looking for? (Crosspost, because I actually need this info)
Someone once said, "if you've sided with the dumbest person in the room, you're on the wrong side." what if you can't tell who is dumber?
Courtesy of user @ xdanielArt on the former birdsite: This is the most comprehensive and up-to-date list of Adobe alternatives I’ve seen, sharing here to save an artist’s life, wallet and livelihood 🙏
It's been practically a year since I've really started using Linux for everything and I kind of want to write out all my conclusions about it and the community that I've experienced. Considering how Windows 11 is shaping up
did he catch the mouse, or did it catch him?
so i got alot of flak for mentioning that linux is a viable alternative to the two party system (of computers) and so i am wiping out my system and installing ubuntu from scratch as an experiment, to try and envision what it's like from a windows or mac users perspective. 1/n
"In science it often happens that scientists say, 'You know that's a really good argument; my position is mistaken,' and then they would actually change their minds... I cannot recall the last time something like that happened in politics or religion." - Carl Sagan (📷: NASA/JPL)
America, nay, the world is on the edge of a precipice. A mere feather, and all those horrible apocalypse movies come true... Sorry, I think we're all fucked.
Day 2 of 's Kickstarter--The Covid Sanity Handbook: "practical advice for staying safe and feeling strong when encountering prevention-shaming, covid gaslighting, [...] rejection, mask ridicule, harmful healthcare workers..." Pledge now!
The Covid Sanity Staying Safe In An Unsafe World
what does one do when they hit rock bottom, but its like, first world rock bottom. full of depression and medication and despair and self medicating and plenty to eat and a roof over head.
Internet! You know what to do!
So Utah, having passed a transphobic bathroom bill, has launched an online form for people to snitch on folks they think are in the "wrong" bathroom or locker room. Be a real shame if people on the Internet flooded it with fake reports:
Hotline Complaint
does anyone know who maintains #aaronswartz 's website? there appears to be a cert issue, and we want to make sure it stays up
Being autistic isn't hard. All you have to do is remember the 3 things that make NTs most mad: - Misunderstandings - Any effort on your part to prevent a misunderstanding - Any attempt after the fact to clear up a misunderstanding So long as you avoid those, functioning in NT society is easy!
Avatar i just read your blog post, and i think many have same issues. have faith in the deity, not the humans. i always felt that love and tolerance took precedence over church rules, and all else would be sorted out in the thousand years after. you are doing fine.
remember when aaron swartz was convicted of 35 yrs in prison and $1M in fines for downloading JSTOR articles under a guest MIT email and the refusal on behalf of the prosecution to consider any type of agreement caused him to take his own life bc i do. all this information should be free.
so much of the pronoun bullshit is just people being angry at being asked to treat others with a basic level of respect you don't have to understand gender dysphoria or being nonbinary or neopronouns to just... respect people's wishes about how they want to be addressed
End of feed.