
In all seriousness, if Biden informed Manchin/Sinema that they will be prosecuted if they don't vote to end filibuster/appoint four new justices, wouldn't that conversation be presumptively immune from prosecution, since it's a discussion about how to advance the president's agenda?
Question: After SCOTUS ruling, can Biden now order DOJ to prosecute Manchin/Sinema on trumped up charges if they refuse to vote to end the filibuster and appoint four new justices? Wouldn't order to DOJ be absolutely immune, and wouldn't threat to the senators be at minimum presumptively immune?
No, because Biden is a Democrat. The Roberts’ Court is above petty considerations like “consistency” and “precedent.”
* does not apply to Democrats. Seriously
The admin should have planned for this ruling and already figured out how to immediately use it to their advantage while also demonstrating how batshit it is. but it’s the democrats so the chances of that are 0.00%
Prosecuted in whose court?
Just ship them to Guantanamo and hold them indefinitely without trial.
Then you’re down two Senators and can’t get the votes you want.
Send all of the GOP Senators there with them.
especially since there can't be any question regarding motive
Have them, and sufficient number of Republicans in the Senate, shot. Pardon the killers. Expand and pack the courts. The above passes constitutional muster.
i think it's clear that this court would jump through flaming hoops to dictate none of this applies to biden/a democrat
Both houses have to approve an increase in Supreme Court justices. The Senate could then confirm, but not before that vote.
I'm suggesting that he could ignore the law requiring House vote on expansion, but I suppose that would end in Constitutional crisis, right?
At a minimum he could order the prosecution with absolute immunity and demand the vote to end the filibuster with presumptive immunity
Not really, now. If Biden says it's within his official duties, he can do it. And they can't stop him.
Better idea: As part of his presidential duties, Biden could have Trump arrested and put in federal prison. If a lower court orders that Trump be released, the DOJ could appeal to the Supreme Court. All the while, Trump will be in prison.
Guessing Congressional Democrats would probably want to "do the right thing" and "respect the institution." But hey, I personally am all for it.
that is unfortunately a very good guess
Constitutional crisis needs to happen. Too many folks giving themselves unchecked power.
He could just send Republican representatives to Guantanamo and then order the rest to hold a vote
How about if Trump had ordered the DC national guard to intervene on the side of the January 6 insurrectionists?
What if Biden declared martial law in both Florida and Texas the day of the election until the guise that both states are being ‘flooded’ with undocumented criminals. Enact a curfew. Allow absentee ballots and early votes to be counted.
They’ll say that’s infringing on a different branch of government so not ok, while telling Pence to cheat was fine because he’s in exec branch.
Can he assassinate Trump with Seal Team ? Please. Pretty please.