
One striking detail in this story: The Pastor at Lake Church, where Mark Robinson gave this speech, told me he and Robinson expected these remarks to be "scrutinized." Then the Pastor defended them! (also worth noting Christian Nationalist overtones in rest of speech cc
NEWS --> Mark Robinson, the MAGA extremist GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, appeared to endorse political violence against unnamed foes in a recent speech. "Some folks need killing!" he shouted. "It's a matter of necessity!" Video and story here:
MAGA Gov Candidate’s Ugly, Hateful Rant: “Some Folks Need Killing!” Mark Robinson, the GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, has a long history of incendiary comments. But he may have topped himself this time.
The gloves are off folks. They are feeling increasingly emboldened to say what had been the quiet part out loud. They are planning for an armed take over of the US. And make no doubt, the longer we spend in a circular firing squad over the debate, etc. the bolder they'll become.
I'm not a Christian, so perhaps someone can help me out and direct me to the scripture where Jesus said "some folks need killing!"
You have to understand that YHWH and El are two different gods who got merged together into a deranged maniac god. YHWH is a god of storms and war and El is basically Santa. Jesus is the son of El, not so much YHWH. Anyway YHWH really enjoyed what we today would call genocide
i don't know if enough people realize that christian conservatives truly believe they are in a holy war against liberals.
Yes, and it ends in Israel or something like that. I wonder how many people even know about the Left Behind novels all these magas have read when they were Bush supporters. The brainwashing is deep and rich.
Left Behind -
Not just Christian but rapture activists. Despite the whole "But concerning that day and hour no one knows" thing, they are determined to engineer the end times so that their ascension to heaven will be witnessed by all the losers left behind. (The audience is more important than the destination.)
There's a Venn overlap there, yes?
A desire to be mighty warriors of the apocalypse.
Unbelievable. I don’t understand how so many people in this country just don’t get it.
They're so full of hate. Pretty sad. They hate govt and they hate democrats.
It's almost as if Abrahamic religion isn't really about love at all.
I've heard several NC pastors endorse violence against liberals, GLBT ppl etc, including one Baptist minister who is also a Klan leader in Alamance county. Another demanded that trans ppl be rounded up and put in camps to starve to death. That is not a new thing here.
Funny, I never once heard that Jesus said anyone needs “killing” on any of my mandatory childhood Sunday masses.
Does Mark Robinson even know that he’s Black?
No one ever told him tokens eventually get spent.
Go ahead. It’s not original. 😀
Or does he even have an education? Does he understand his own history? Everything MAGA and evangelicals stand for is rooted in racism. Many in those cults don't know or understand that.
Stop anyone who supports this bullshit and ask them, “Do you want me dead? Because that’s what I’m hearing.”
"Pastor" is just a code word for sex pest. Of course that one would defend something that gets people asking questions about his violent terrorist fantasies instead of other things.
“Some folks just need killin”- Jesus
Well, I might agree with him for a couple things. 🤔
If there's one thing I learned in my years of attending church every week, it's for sure that Jesus would endorse killing the liberals.
don't understand how this is surprising. the maga party has always endorsed violence against 'Those People.'