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Bass head
Avatar I enjoyed your interview on Better Offline I love The Onion and I work on the technical side of programmatic advertising. It's not all trash-heap native blinking ad explosions. The potential quality is there. Good luck and hmu if I can answer Q's.
Can't the just burn and disintegrate like so many less damaging journalism companies?
Reposted byAvatar Pablo
JFK: Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country. RFK: Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly. RFK Jr.:
Unapologetic corruption. The new American Dream.
Trump proved there are no actual rules or consequences. We'd been relying on the honor system all this time.
It really is mind blowing that absolutely nothing has happened to Clarence Thomas despite being outed as a cartoonishly corrupt donor-owned political operative.
Basically the entire NYPD should be fired and have rotten fruit thrown at them as they leave.
We're in a golden age of really horrible people and this dude is on horrible Mount Rushmore.
Netanyahu comparing US college students to 1930s Nazi Germany is fucking disgusting. Dude is in charge of the genocide in Gaza and ethnic cleansing in the West Bank but has the unmitigated gall to say students protesting his crimes against humanity are fascists. Fuck him.
Trying to decide if penniless, imprisoned Rudy Giuliani is enough to make me feel a little better.
I really wish some university president somewhere would just tell fascists to fuck off instead of racing to see who can fold the fastest.
Musk fanboy finance bros are too busy watching porn in their cybertrucks to realize they're getting conned again.
how are people still falling for this shit! what do you think, Tesla is suddenly going to have roaming autonomous vehicles that operate as taxis? The very same Tesla who's autopilot keeps killing people? HMMMM????
Having legislators grill university leaders on their familiarity and alignment with scripture seems less than ideal
Saw my first cybertruck in the wild the other day. Legit looked like a parade float went off course.
56 billion is a pretty good payout for mismanaging multiple companies and focusing on a racism hobby.
tesla laid off 14000 people on...monday
The Iran drone swarm seems a lot like theater to me. Everyone knew it was coming a week ago and it had no chance of doing real damage.
Today I learned that Catholics aren't crazy enough for modern conservatives.
This Fox News list of "America's Top Christian Colleges and Universities" is fascinating for many reasons, but maybe especially for the fact that it erases Catholicism from Christianity. i.e., schools like Georgetown and Notre Dame aren't mentioned at all.
Liquid Stranger doing 3 sets tonight. Perfect spring weekend.
It's why calling Trump and his enablers fascists doesn't resonate. The fascism is already here and it's getting more entrenched with every ultra conservative Court ruling.
It seems to me that when a society privileges a group to murder and abuse weaker people with complete impunity, the natural and proper reaction of a free person is to hate that group and resent the society that enables it, and acquiescence is a sign of unsuitability to be a free person.
Literally the entire stock market is built around the infinite growth fantasy. The only thing that matters is the next quarterly earnings. When the bottom falls out they just move on to the next illusion and print more money.
TV is broken. The streamers broke it. A thing that worked beautifully and made everyone tons of money is now a thing that frustrates and maddens both fans and artists. It can be saved... but only if studios abandon the Wall Street fantasy of infinite growth instead of doubling down on it.
Reposted byAvatar Pablo
It’s true I showed a cop a TikTok and he died
"TikTok is a programmable fentanyl" I guess if you're going to engage in fear mongering, you should really dedicate yourself to the craft
The US is right to target Chinese control of a powerful ‘persuasive AI’ tool cannot be tolerated
Bro is going to "accidentally" wear a bullet soon.
"The Boeing engineer, Sam Salehpour, alleged that almost 1,000 787s and about 400 777s currently flying are at risk of premature fatigue damage and structural failure...lawyers for Salehpour wrote a letter detailing his allegations to Mike Whitaker, head of the Federal Aviation Administration"
New Boeing whistleblower alleges serious structural flaws on 787 and 777 In a new public relations setback for Boeing, a quality engineer alleged shortcuts to increase production led to potentially serious structural flaws on its 787s and 777s.
It's the essence of boomerism to prefer that everyone suffer rather than everyone have comfort.
everyday a british columinst proudly writes something as or more inflammatory than any of the stuff that was popularly attributed to the french nobles that all got their heads cut off
Reposted byAvatar Pablo
100% this
I used to be a tech enthusiast. I am becoming a tech dethusiast. I don’t want any more tech to buy. I don’t want smart appliances. I don’t want smart pants. I don’t want smart dumbbells. I just want things that I can buy and that work for 20 years.
Begging for an excuse to pull a gun on someone.
A Burger King customer in Ohio was caught on camera pointing a gun at a drive-thru employee who was trying to give him a discount “I was like, ‘I don’t know what to tell you, I don’t know why you want to pay more money,’”
Things start to feel a lot different when you finally realize how corrupt things really are in America. The last several years have been pretty eye opening.
Everyone in America insists “no one is above the law” and then judges repeatedly act like they think Trump is, in fact, above the law. You have one job. Do it.
Sooo... What does Netanyahou have on the US government that's letting all of this bullshit go on unchecked?