Threata Gunberg

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Threata Gunberg

A ray of fucking sunshine
Build RESILIENCE by having the goddamn gall, the f*ing punk-ass zeal to be bad at something, and continuing being bad at it, until you start to get good. Because that's how building any skill at all works. Go do the things you want to do, do them BADLY. You're rad, you got this 👍✨
ai art people assuming they can't make art without it and thus being covetous of people who do is deeply depressing. i tried to tell one "just try, make something genuine" but they refused to accept that anyone would want to see something they made that didn't look """""good"""""
A little hedgehog nonsense this evening And now I’m off. Stay safe, friends. Good night, see you tomorrow.
It never stops being darkly funny how the same people who insist gender is inborn and immoveable are also the same people who claim your manhood can be taken from you for the smallest things: Eating ice cream or soup. Crossing your legs. Being nice to a woman.
It's my birthday today 🥳 Perhaps I could ask, as a gift, for you to share this post so that others may find me? Thank you in advance 💕 📼 🎙️ 🖼️ ✉️ [email protected]
You mean to tell me the divorced drug addict whose adopted sister had kids with his dad, has ten kids of his own from four different women, and bought Twitter for $30 billion over market while on a ketamine bender to bring back his Nazi friends has never been to therapy?
Oh shoot. This is now one of my ten things
Reupping for any newskies that may come along, welcome! (Not my creation, but some good tips here)
Screaming, crying, begging people to just be normal
End of feed.