
It never stops being darkly funny how the same people who insist gender is inborn and immoveable are also the same people who claim your manhood can be taken from you for the smallest things: Eating ice cream or soup. Crossing your legs. Being nice to a woman.
No one proves the social construction of gender more consistently than conservatives, who forever are freaking out that any behavior outside of ever-stricter gender roles is a enough to dismantle one's entire gender identity.
That said, there's always centrist liberal types who, thinking they're daring, will say, "Well some amount of gender is inborn." And 9 times out of 10, their example will be something they view as exclusively "male" and is something like I personally do all the time.
Recent example heard from Ayelet Waldman on her podcast, trotting out this trope: As proof of inborn male traits definitely attached to the Y chromosome, she cited changing light bulbs and lighting gas grills. 🤔 I do wonder how people who say shit like this think single women survive. Or lesbians.
Ironically, it's because I do a very feminine-gendered thing — cooking most of our food — that I am also the only person in our house who operates the gas grill. Not that I doubt my partner could. He just doesn't. It's my thing.
One of my favorite gender-bending memories was the night I sat outside with two female friends. All three of us had needlework in our hands and our conversation was a deep dive into some tech stuff. (I'm a software developer who knits for pleasure. They're not that different.)
Sewing and knitting and coding and engineering all take the same kind of skills.
Heh... the folks who have no idea what used to do for money. Or the number of men in the army who crochet/knit (me, I spin, and weave).
Do you know about core rope memory? That shit's the coolest. And Jacquard looms -> punch cards in computers -> modern computing! Fibre arts and software dev: not that different, secretly.
Shoutout to anthropologists! Ages ago I read an anthropological account of a society in which, unlike the West, sewing was reserved for men, because it was a highly prized skill. The universal is that men usually monopolize high-prestige jobs & activities.
I may be misremembering, but I had read that sewing here in the West was also coded as a men's activity because mending your military uniform was a specific duty
Knitting was also a male activity - originally used to create/repair fishing nets.
My Dad cooked meals. My Mom got a PhD.
And I'm the worst facsimile of both, either, and neither.
They met at St. Mary's University in San Antonio. My older brother and I only exist because my mother couldn't help kicking the back of his desk seat.
Dad grilled; Mom cooked. Typical, nothing to see here. At some point, Mom weaponized meal planning (one of her chores) to include grilled meals basically every day, year-round, outside Chicago. I fondly remember the burgers Dad grilled Dec 22 during my college break. In the snow.
My wife builds any IKEA furniture that enters our apartment. She is simply much better and calmer at it.
Cooking is weird as to how it's feminine-gendered in the home, but the chef world is masculine-gendered.
I tried to teach my wife to sew but she couldn’t. Are we both gay I just don’t know😂
Ladies is it butch to lightly turn your wrist or cook food
Q: how many women does it take to change a light bulb? A: don't be absurd, that's a man's job
Much like my coworkers wife, who proceeded to nearly fry her transmission and motor despite her son(also a coworker) trying desperately to help her. "You don't know what you're doing, this is YOUR FATHERS responsibility" well, now I know why the kid's on so many meds for mental instability....
No one's ever complained about my burgers.
Someone needs to explain that the defining characteristic of the Y chromosome is mostly that it does not contain things and that XY individuals still get most of their characteristics from the X chromosome
The Y chromosome is mostly about enabling certain characteristics that are already coded for on other chromosomes. It's like a dress pattern that comes with a bunch of options and you have different instructions you follow depending on which version you want to make.
Both indispensable skills in the Paleolithic Serengeti, as we all know.
How else are you going to drive away the lions at night and cook your gazelle? ;) I suspect there may be a mild link to advantageous risk taking by non-young bearing members of the family unit.
Avatar would human genetics have evolved to link these behaviors to different chromosomes Light bulbs have been around, what, 150 years? How quickly does she think this happens Or does she think that light bulbs were specifically designed to be screwed in by men
Same way the clitoris is invisible to these guys
Neither of my husband's ever TOUCHED the gas grill
I've also been in a situation where a bunch of men needed me to light a fire for them at a party. Turns out it's not the Y chromosome, but being a former Girl Scout/growing up in rural Texas.
I lied, my current husbeast used the grill once and burned a batch of chicken. And he does cook! Just doesn't grill.
Do they change light bulbs with a penis? Very talented. And lighting gas grills, well don’t try this at home! Apologists for patriarchy are rather pathetic.
I would pay good money to watch light bulbs be changed using only penises - it sounds like some Cirque Du Soleil shit! X)
Would love to know what defined inborn gender traits in these people's minds before light bulbs existed - with no light bulbs or gas grills, what showed that everybody male Stone Age - Vitorian era had "inborn gender traits?" Wearing deer pelts instead of boar pelts? Farming 🥔s instead of 🧅s?
lesbians lead dark lives (no light bulbs)
Omg I've never lived with a man. Who do they think does literally EVERYTHING at my house?
Ok, I'm confused. What do lightbulbs have to do with gender? Like... where did that conclusion come even from?
The idea that females are inept at anything remotely mechanical and/or females must ask males to do odd jobs around the house because the males won’t do it their own damn selves.
But it's just a lightbulb! It's not even mechanical or an odd job!😭
I realised the other day when observing a meme that I mentally categorise grilling as lesbian coded because my dad was never a big grill guy but my lesbian friends used to invite me over and grill regularly
I'll admit to being deeply intimidated by our gas grill for a very long time. But once my husband became disabled and couldn't cook any more, I learned.
Wait, that was serious and not humor? I occasionally say it's ok to exploit patriarchy for things it's good at, like opening pickle jars and getting stuff off high shelves.
Rebecca West notoriously cracked wise about how you occasionally need to move the piano.