
The wrong lesson to learn from recent events on Bluesky (but seemingly the only lesson that everyone taking a victory lap has learned) is that everyone you don't like is secretly abusive and will eventually be revealed as such. Someone you don't like may just be a regular asshole.
You "knew something was off about them." I'm sure you think that about a lot of people who are never revealed to be abusive because they are simply people who rub you the wrong way.
This is the inverse of saying ‘he was so quiet!’ when you learn your neighbor was a mass shooter or serial rapist or whatever. Plenty of assholes aren’t dangerous. Plenty of quiet people are just quiet.
I know that I have been identified as Bad Vibes for the most innocuous shit in the past and I hate how common it is. When it was my manager at work it was dreadful. They were so certain I was plotting to undermine them and I had no fucking idea until they exploded at me.
blocking people you don't like and moving on is okay they do not all have to be run off the website "this person sucks" may well be true, bitch about it in the group chat
im turning over a new leaf
i managed to get through 13+ months on this website and only blocked 56 people. i am done playing bluesky on hardcore mode. if you suck im not letting you talk to me anymore.
these are valid boundaries. nobody here is owed an audience — especially to their assholery.
i’m including myself here as well. i have been blocked by people because i’ve been an asshole to them. often over a misunderstanding or the mistake of taking sides in previous beeves. regardless, they don’t owe me shit.
I have learned the wisdom of easy mode and I’m never going back
I was like that on twitter and over the course of the past year have learned the ways of blocking. It makes things so, so much better.
lol they’ll kill u for bitching about people in the group chat, if ur me
"actually yes that is what group chats are for" is the best consensus to come out of the last few days, you are vindicated
yeah that part has been nice, like literally i believe a functional human needs that, like who doesn’t have like closer circles of coworkers to bitch about ur other coworkers with, like this shit keeps you sane
If you don’t have anything nice to say, come sit by me.
🎶 I never did like you/ probably never will/ but I bet you can live with that fact pretty well
Even if game journalism is in fact completely dishonest and rife with corruption, harassment and abuse are still not appropriate or worthy. Will block anyone I catch inciting pile ons.
Yeah. It’s different when they’re affecting an entire community with their BS.
A very good point to keep in mind. One of the best reasons to avoid posting through it is it mitigates this problem.
Look, all I’m saying is that if everywhere you go it smells like shit, you might be a piece of shit - even if you’re just a piece of shit in the whole manure pile.
The age of Bluesky celebrity was always going to end because no one actually feels anything more than superficial loyalty to them. And that’s fine. It’s a hypocritical way to behave and doesn’t have anything to do with real relationships
i have tried many times to emphasize i am just a regular asshole but also i am attempting to curb this asshole tendency so thanks in advance for putting up with my bullshit
Here's my honest view on them: X: blocked in less than two months Y: gave benefit of the doubt, disappointed would be an understatement Z: came out of left field for me, disappointed, disgusted W: there were obvious signs that I missed or didn't pay enough attention to I'm one for four. Not great.
Honestly a lot of people I do like can be regular assholes, it’s fine lol
“I never carried water for sex pests” (yes you have you just haven’t realized it yet it)
reasonable. leftists should be aware enough to not deny a regular asshole’s agency
Plot twist: maybe even _you_ may be the asshole!
this is where they call me down like the Price is Right, right
There was a post going around like "if you knew the vibes were bad why didn't you say anything" and I didn't reply to that because I had a feeling they were hurting or I read the tone wrong but oooh nooo. The evil spirit McCarthy is always looking for a new host.
I don't even remember why I blocked most of the people that I've blocked, but I just trust my past self to have been sufficiently annoyed to have done so and assume I'd do the same today.
It's because bluesky is what you see 𝖇𝖊𝖞𝖔𝖓𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖛𝖊𝖎𝖑 where 𝓪𝓵𝓵 is revealed😬
Idk, maybe not an abuser in a Big Way but my gut feelings are p much always confirmed in some way or another.
There are many here that I disagree with and still listen to. Those that bring only hate, I block. It limits the conversation, but I accept that.
I gather I missed something momentous while doing other things. Interesting. Not interesting enough to investigate, but interesting.
please enjoy your cognitive freedom lol
I wish more people could see the connection/similarity between instinctive and reactionary.
Read the book, “A**holes: A Theory.” It makes sense that there are diagnosed or diagnosable sociopaths and degrees of narcissists who are a**holes, but there are also people who are just a**holes, not to be confused with people simply acting like a**holes. I get no fee for recommending the book.
That's just Mastodon, Bluesky and Twitter in a nutshell
I’m out of the loop here. Who was driven off the site? By whom? For what?