Grigory Lukin (rhymes with "story" and "scene")

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Grigory Lukin (rhymes with "story" and "scene")

Misadventurer, vagabond, eccentric based out of Quebec City. Huge sci-fi fan. (Small sci-fi is great too.) Seeking representation for my debut sci-fi novel, "Time Traveler's Etiquette Guide." 👋🤓
The takeover of the alpha quadrant is proceeding ahead of schedule. 😈
Laziest ComicCon costume ever. 😅 I'm a red shirt - I sure hope nothing untoward will happen on this away mission. 🤞😉
Well, *that* was the single creepiest and over-the-top query rejection I've ever received. O_o Either they decided to *really* lawyer-up (especially in light of the KT Literary scandal), or I should be mildly worried haha #WritingCommunity #writing
July 1 is Canada Day, except in Quebec, where it's the province-wide moving day, with every lease expiring at the same time. 🙃 Moving trucks everywhere, chaos galore, and piles of stuff near dumpsters... So much waste.
Well, I've crossed the Rubicon. :) After adding some finishing touches to my creepypasta sci-fi short film, I've submitted it to two film festivals. Toes and fingers crossed! Meanwhile, enjoy the poster I've made. ;) (Hey, I'm working on a $15 budget here. You don't get to judge me. :P )
I'm filling out a routine change-of-address form here in Quebec, and it looks like they've prepared for time travelers! 🙃 (Except for the ones from the 11th millennium. Nobody likes those guys.)
Ahaha I'd completely forgotten that I added a time travel joke to my Facebook work history section - back when it allowed you to mess with dates. ;) #timetravel
I'm surprised she went back to Zambia after the first time.
I had forgotten my wall calendar came from a fundraiser. When I woke up and looked at it, instead of a pretty picture it had a page of vertical text, and that was easily the single most jarring, Matrix-like experience I've ever had. 🙃
I'm binge-watching obscure NASA videos for a little side project of mine ;) - and this is absolute gold: an astronaut trying out a new spacesuit next to an engineer wearing a bright Hawaiian shirt. :) #space
Update: I'm bad at taking care of garlic, but even I've never seen something like this. Shame, HelloFresh, shame. Off to the store. :(
Brewing your own red wine has a lot of benefits. My favourite part is making my own wine labels. :)
The perfect brunch at my local bakery. ❤️🥐🤤
Show me a picture on your phone that has your energy that isn't a selfie.
Show me a picture on your phone that has your energy that isn't a selfie.
If you see this, post something yellow. :) This is the first bright wildflower of the year here in Quebec City.
If you see this, post something yellow. :) This is the Absinthe Ceremony at Arcana Spirit Lounge in Vancouver.
The first truly hot day of the year in the beautiful Quebec City. For once, my avatar is no longer relevant! :P Today had a bit of everything, and it was absolutely lovely. ❤️ I hope it was likewise with you, mes amis. :)
Your last saved selfie is you on the outside and your last saved meme is you on the inside.
Your last saved selfie is you on the outside and your last saved meme is you on the inside.
I officially hate e-books... Tried to take a screenshot of the first page of my favourite book for a friend, and couldn't even open it in my Kindle reader. Absolutely ridiculous and unacceptable. A paperback would never dare to do that to you...
This is the official Amazon response: e-books bought in 2013 or thereabout routinely have issues - they're impossible to download without calling customer support... I'm tempted to never buy another e-book again. Unacceptable.
Canadian candy bars are targeting the gamer demographic. 🙃
The wisest thing I did was when I was 18 was *not* getting a face tattoo like Zell from Final Fantasy 8. (I still think that would've looked cool, though. :P ) But yup, one of the last Millennials without tattoos. We should be designated as an endangered species. ;)
I'm reading a collection of Neil Gaiman's essays, and this is absolute LOL-gold - and yet another reason I probably shouldn't have children. 🙃 (Pardon the cracked e-reader screen: it's still quite functional.)
Preparing for my Continental Divide Trail thru-hike in 2025... Less than a year until I sleep beneath the desert sky once more. :) Currently reading online trail journals of those who managed to hike the whole trail (a rare achievement: it's rougher than the PCT), and they've got some real gems. 🤣
Achievement unlocked! :) I've just bought a bunch of stamps at a discount at the local thrift store. Seriously, it's been my lifelong side quest to find someone who'd sell me postal stamps at a discount. It's like an instant investment return. 😎