
This is why we shouldn’t put men on a pedalstool. I’m shocked to see so many people ignoring this. He is an active user on bluesky we have to be consistent. Believe all victims
Neil Gaiman denies sexual assault of two young The alleged victims claim the best-selling author engaged them in sadomasochistic acts and told them to call him ‘master’
This looks very bad to me. "Had established consent" (by directly asking?) is a sensible standard in many situations, but not with 1) An employee 2) In his house 3) Just after meeting her. Completely ignores power in the situation, and the ability to coerce. Very bad indeed.
Wondering if this was what was behind the 'I had to break various laws to flee New Zealand and make for my cottage in Scotland during Covid because it was urgent' thing.
And then we let him back in, whilst 1000s of others, including NZ citizens, couldn't. Wanker.
It's a topic of much irritation to me that his wife made a very conscious choice to stay in NZ BEFORE official lockdown and summoned him and their kid to join from overseas, but went on about how they were stranded here. There were zero restrictions on leaving NZ.
When she announced her departure the whole cafe stood up and applauded
I wish we'd been clearer about this to her so she fucked off, because she's a deranged psychopath
Sorry, but I can't let that stand-public perception, warped by media and the vicissitudes of people with axes to grind is one thing, reality is another. I met Amanda numerous times during her time here, she's opinionated, yes, psychopathic? Not at all
I mean, if you fake your suicide, record your boyfriend's reaction to that "suicide", and then include that recording in a song that you release publicly, i think you're a terrible fucking person, and absolutely psychopathic. But that's just me.
All I know about her is that she was recruirecruiting local musicians to perform for nothing on one of her tours. Which is pretty crap.
and then had her fans harass the journalist who reported it
Hasn’t she used the N-word in her performances too?