Pierre Dipshit

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Pierre Dipshit


The un-funny kind of communist.
Reposted byAvatar Pierre Dipshit
Literally no one who knows anything about France/Macron thinks this was Macron's goal
Reposted byAvatar Pierre Dipshit
I want to add one more thing. My 20-year-old students, the moment I tell them they need to do something they anxiously go, “Oh no, oh no, you’re right, omg. Of course, totally. Totally!” And that’s me, a random adjunct teaching one of their classes, not a world famous writer who’s their boss.
Just found my skinniest jeans, I know what I will be melting in tomorrow.
If, hypothetically, one's brand is "wombats", then expanding to "wombats and dogged defense of high evidentiary standards when allegations about a fellow writer arise" seems unwise, to me. But then again, I am a mere maths poster, and not knowledgeable about PR.
Neil Gaiman is not load-bearing infrastructure for not-being-transphobic in Britain. What are some of you talking about? Come on.
Is there any good way to take a peek into PDE if I am terminally algebreo-geometric? I have just totally bounced off Hormander's Hyperbolic PDE notes (I also blame the beer tbh) because I struggle to care about various estimates. Maybe there is a route through Yau? Is Yau readable?
The proudest I have been of Boys Chat™ recently is when one fool said something about Johnny Depp having a hard time, and immediately triggered Several People Are Typing mode as he pulled aggro from everyone else.
Reposted byAvatar Pierre Dipshit
seems like bad stuff is happening in the UK, as is customary...
It will take a while to filter through, but Sunak's snap election killing the SNP entirely by accident might be the funniest part of this (and one of the more consequential).
I think Hugh Jackman should be freed from being Wolverine. The man has done his time, let him go.
I love the smell of spoiled ballot in the morning.
Reposted byAvatar Pierre Dipshit
This is why we shouldn’t put men on a pedalstool. I’m shocked to see so many people ignoring this. He is an active user on bluesky we have to be consistent. Believe all victims
Neil Gaiman denies sexual assault of two young womenwww.telegraph.co.uk The alleged victims claim the best-selling author engaged them in sadomasochistic acts and told them to call him ‘master’
I've read a lot of commentary about how Joe is too old, or has too much baggage, to be president. But I think he's the only serious anti-fascist option.
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And people read these "posts"? For what possible reason?
It's tag-team rules now I guess?
If self retweets don't work I'm just gonna post it again
To paraphrase the big guy, how many divisions does John Roberts have?
What power does he have to challenge it?
Many of you are making good SCOTUS posts. But there are only nine hall of fame slots available here, so sooner or later someone is going to have to raise the game.
French news continues to disappoint.
When I see the words "Bombshell in France" and the name Le Pen, this is not what I want the story to be.
So who's this Joe Biden guy you're all posting about? Is he cancelled? Thread?
Imagine the world if horses could ride horses. There would probably be a hard takeoff almost instantly, as a horse stack accelerated to c.
I am accidentally doing a very stupid reverse reading of this book, in which a sufficient density of ML asides is keeping me focussed enough to learn the basics of big sets. Turns out that is the secret to make me give a toss about measurable cardinals.
Continuing with Badiou, which for its size is pleasantly brisk. He has a very nice take that the existence of a lesser evil reveals not which evil to support, but the inherent contradiction within the evil that must be assaulted in the construction of a good work. Apply as you will.
Continuing with Badiou, which for its size is pleasantly brisk. He has a very nice take that the existence of a lesser evil reveals not which evil to support, but the inherent contradiction within the evil that must be assaulted in the construction of a good work. Apply as you will.
Well this feels relevant to the last few days.
Lady at the bar has a shirt with top text "Make Racists". The bottom text, beneath a figure with a skateboard, is obscured by a French tuck. Hopefully it is "Afraid Again", or "Dead", or similar. At the moment, a bit of a Muskean more-white-babies slogan.
My old chemistry teacher used to frequently warn us when a substance "was harmful to lower lifeforms — and that includes you". To this day I do not know what he considered a higher lifeform, only that it could presumably gargle most organic solvents.
Reposted byAvatar Pierre Dipshit
Most people get to be artists by being very bad at art until they’re eventually not so bad at art. As a society, we should be supporting the arts, full stop
So, good for you. But did you get there by being terrible at art and still expecting the world to support you with money?
The approximately €30/month the Kremlin pays me to not vote for Biden is nice, but honestly I'd not be voting for him anyway. It's about the love of the game.
Reposted byAvatar Pierre Dipshit
Playing "hey what happens if I remove this?" with the most cited case in US admin law is hysterical. Good luck I guess!
If someone had approached the Andropov-Kuznetsov-Chernenko era presidia, with their average age of 80+, and suggested the old men do televised debates, they'd have been rightly laughed out. Because at least there was a vaguely operational party machine and secretariat.