
Cool cool sounds like a total normal and healthy event happening within a functional democracy and not at all like a mob priming itself for civil war
the *mask* was regrettable. punching and kicking an anonymous mannequin at a political rally is still cool though and very well-adjusted behaviour.
Unfortunately we're long past the point where anyone should be pretending the GOP isn't actively trying to incite violence. When I hear people say they "voted for conservatives, but not THOSE conservatives" it takes everything I have not to scream "THEY'RE ALL THE SAME CONSERVATIVES!"
Conservatives: This is totally going to trigger libs! Libs: That's kinda weird, but you do you....
If you want to risk injury beating up a doll, that's a you problem.
So, the mask was "regrettable" but not the punching and the kicking. OK.
has everyone lost their minds. like, genuinely, did we all go insane during 2020 and now it's bleeding into politics
Just the Repubs and their ilk.
They lost their minds as soon as a black man was elected president. They’ve been trying to reignite the civil war ever since. Some long before that.
No one lost their minds. Liberals and Conservatives disempowered millions with their respective failures to provide for the average USAmerican, combined with over a century of anti-communism and white supremacy, all it took was one mask off white supremacist to tear the facade of progress down.
The US was always a violent racist destructive entity. It's just that now that violence is being weaponized against privileged USAmericans. This is the violence minorities in the US have been facing forever.
Orwell creeps ever closer. "The programmes of the Two Minutes Hate varied from day to day, but there was none in which Goldstein was not the principal figure. He was the primal traitor, the earliest defiler of the Party’s purity."
these people are figurative children
Remember when Kathy Griffin posted a picture of herself holding a fake bloody Trump head? Her career got trashed. She was put on the no-fly list and the International Criminal Police Organization list. The DOJ seriously considered charging her with conspiracy to assassinate the president.
On the one hand, they are doing that, on the other, theyve bene doing shit like this so long it's really just part of an average Tuesday in the shithole states, the torture-in-effigy people are probably butting heads with the cross-burners over scheduling conflicts all the time
Yeah, they did similar effigy bullshit for Obama and Clinton, this is old hat by now.
“2 minute hate” vibes right there.
Middle school arrested development.
To be fair, I would kick the shit out of a mannequin if it had a Trump mask on it
It hasn’t even loaded yet and I already know I’m gonna agree with this
me and my friends fucked up a trump piñata back in 2020 and it seems fine
In private that's good fun...but Kathy Griffin was interrogated and harassed by the Secret Service for publishing a photo of her holding a Trump mask covered in ketchup.
Remember when Republican events were guys wearing suits, drinking scotch, complaining about taxes, stopping the Soviets, and discussing business? I want those guys back.