Tricksy Belden

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Tricksy Belden

Book wrangler currently ensorcelled by two witches 📖 vampire rights 🦇 She/her

tracitalynne some places professionally
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KISSES FOR MY PRESIDENT (1964) Fred MacMurray, Polly Bergen, Arlene Dahl. Dir: Curtis Bernhardt 4:15p ET (1:15p PT) A businessman becomes the First Lady when his wife is elected President of the United States. 1h 53m | Comedy
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I just read an article that said "Why is it taking so long for your favorite movies and tv series to air? Blame the writers and actor strikes" No I won't. I'm blaming that ✨single✨ motherfucker at the studio who makes $250 million dollars a year who's one job is supposed to make this shit happen.
I just lost the game, saw my first Cyber truck. What a riot, they really paid money for that 😂 Each panel was a different color 🤣
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Make a band more fruity Durian Durian.
Make a band more fruit/veggie 10,000 maniocs
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You had me at “exceedingly dry in-jokes for recherché subcultures”
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'Sometimes things don't go, after all, from bad to worse' Thinking a lot about this poem today.
Oh to be the next Clara Bow, only to go on a yacht and die mysteriously, vaguely connected to Howard Hughs
I was cheated out of my true destiny: shooting a handful of new scenes so Roger Corman could add them to a Czech film he’d bought for a song & release it as ATTACK OF THE SWAMP FIENDS
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One day your skin care routine is going to make a book binding necromancer very happy.
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The NYT editorial everyone’s talking about today
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This photo is pure 2024.
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"Beats me, man. Beats me why most dudes suck. Sure as hell ain't my scene."
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Hi everyone, kindly consider supporting the Kickstarter for Spacefunk! A collection of science fiction stories and poems by authors of African/African Diaspora Descent. Edited by Milton Davis Space is the place. #BlackScifi
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Notice how everyone is somehow talking about Biden Too Old right now, and NOT about how the Supreme Court just legalized Trump being a dictator for life and gutted the administrative state, and how the Heritage Foundation is now issuing terrorist threats? Think that might not be an accident?
That part isn't the disinfo part. It's the chaos and rumormongering that is going to be used to get Mike fucking Johnson etc. into power once they push Kamala Harris out of the line of succession. It's also being used to distract everyone from mounting a coordinated response to the Supreme Court
Saw Janet Planet, because I live in Western MA where it was shot. Everyone cheered for the JC Penny, and when the "AVI" card went up the whole theater groaned like "Nooooooo!" (You will have to see it to get it but you will say it, too)
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It makes me feel very much unmoored from reality to see all this *buying into* the Biden Too Old ratfuck narrative, days after the Supreme Court ruled that Trump gets to be dictator for life, just weeks after Trump became a convicted felon (oh, and there’s the Epstein stuff that just came out).
It really is making *me* feel crazy to see a bunch of other Democrat voters running around screaming about how Biden is now unelectable, on the basis of one bad debate and an incredibly obvious ratfucking campaign by America’s most craven newspaper.
Some good news: my cat was making the ek-ek-ek noise at a bird and then YAWNED, still making the noise. It was really cute.
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apropos of uhhhhhhh everything, reposting this again
As well-meaning publishers try to navigate the coming storm of state laws against diversity, I hope they'll consider Timothy Snyder's Rule #1 (from his slim book ON TYRANNY).
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the worst dudes online are the guys who are like “the time for electoral politics is over, it’s time for guillotines.” yeah bud i’m sure you’ll stop posting and get the ball rolling on the guillotines any minute now.
This is true. Conservatives can't win on their "ideas", haven't actually won the popular vote in decades, and instead of reflection they are lashing out. It's a good idea to see this as a last gasp power grab.
a thing to remember, in all of this horror, is that these are not the actions of a political party that is confident it represents the will of the people, and who is currently out of power and enslaved to a deeply flawed avatar. the struggle is not over and they have not won
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Had we listened to Anita Hill, we wouldn't be here today. Had we listened to the women sexually abused by Trump, we wouldn't be here today. Had we listened to Christine Blasey Ford, we wouldn't be here today.
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I did the math: There’s an estimated 2,781 billionaires on the planet. If they are an average of six feet tall (generous) the stack of them would span 16,686 feet of the Mariana Trench’s 35,814 feet. Leaving 19,128 feet, or room for about 3,188 millionaires.
if you took every billionaire on earth and stacked them on top of each other starting at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, that would be great
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all of this for donald fucking trump of all people
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March 23 1933, the Enabling Act becomes law in Germany, giving the chief executive power enforce his own laws without checks and balances. The passing of the Act marked the formal transition from democratic republic to totalitarian dictatorship. 6 months later, it was a 1 party state.
Continuing the theme of Fussy White Men Wrecking Their Own Things Because Someone Else Gets It Too, I can't help but notice that SCOTUS used to be a respected institution until women of color finally got a couple of seats.
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boy, i gotta tell you, as an american, i’m getting real sick of seeing “6-3” on things that will dictate the way i experience the rest of my life.
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Regretting canceling my subscription to the New York Times on a morning when they’re bringing me an oped from Bill Maher AND an interview with Steve Bannon. What a tantalizing feast for the mind, sadly beyond my reach now
If you see this post a photo with no explanation.
If you see this post a photo without explanation
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Everything's complicated and my hesitation about replacing Biden up to now has been informed by polls showing other candidates not doing much better. But a lot of people seem remarkably certain that Harris specifically could not win a general election for reasons I think they should say out loud.