David Romerstein

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David Romerstein


Nerd of many colors. Spam fighter. Foamfighter.

@[email protected]
It is very hot here and I’m still wearing full gear and straddling a hot engine (at a red light my bike easily gets to 215 degrees). God bless legal lanesplitting as I yeet past a cop in traffic, entirely in the right to go around that slow tourist so I can keep some wind on me. I love motorcycles 🥰
As we go into a US holiday weekend, please remember: car drivers, please watch out for motorcycle riders. Motorcycle folks, WEAR YOUR FUCKING GEAR. Helmet, jacket, pants, boots, gloves. Yep, it's hot. You still need it.
Breaking news: Rudy Giuliani, the former New York mayor and personal attorney to former president Donald Trump, was disbarred Tuesday in New York over his false statements about the 2020 election.
Giuliani disbarred in N.Y. over false statements about 2020 electionwww.washingtonpost.com A state appeals court said the “seriousness of [Giuliani]’s misconduct cannot be overstated.”
Today is a rough, scary day. It's hard to feel helpless. So when I do, I try to do something good, however small. My friend Ryan lost his job while caregiving for his mother, who has undergone chemo & a quadruple bypass. Can u share & donate if u can? ❤️ www.gofundme.com/f/help-a-car...
Help a Caregiver Bounce Back from Hardship, organized by Ryan Ayerswww.gofundme.com Dear friends, I'm writing you today on behalf of Ryan & his mom, Beverly. R… Ryan Ayers needs your support for Help a Caregiver Bounce Back from Hardship
SCOTUS just handed POTUS an amazing amount of power but I'm sure the coming 💿🐴 from the right will be Sotomayor's departure from decorum, probably including railing about her "lack of respect".
You can tell who did and who did not moderate IRC/phpBB/whatever back in the day, because all of us who did learned the true shape of online group culture: your culture is the shittiest person you don't ban
yeah, it is entirely possible to have a Normal Functional Discord!
I'm so old I remember when Hotmail was camel-cased as "HoTMaiL" to remind every one that web-accessible email was New and Cool.
I'm so old I remember when Yahoo really did have an index of every site on the World Wide Web
There are two kinds of people in the world: the people who think a mask ban at protests will only be used against people at a protest, and the people who know the LAPD will suddenly start calling two Black people hanging out outside “a protest.”
Time is a flat circle
Recovery requires two things of us, above all else: it demands we get real with ourselves, & get compassionate w/ ourselves. We're not gonna recover from ANYTHING if we're either living in a fantasy world or kicking the sh*t out of ourselves out of habit.
Safe people will not lose their sh*t when you set boundaries or confront them about an aspect of their behavior. Everybody has moments of defensiveness sometimes-- but if you're consistently living in fear of someone's reaction to being confronted, that's worth noticing.
You're not the first, last, or only trauma survivor to get freaked out by the idea of "never again" when it comes to old ways of coping. Often we want to keep even a harmful "skill" in our back pocket for a rainy day. No shame-- just make sure it's not your only option.
*MOST* frivolous? I want to find and restore an example of the first car I ever owned - a 4-door, dark brown, 1979 Chevy Chevette with automatic transmission. Slightly less frivolous - I would drop a ton of money into finding and restoring some WWII-era airplanes because they are things of BEAUTY.
ok friends & Bsky strangers, tell me your FRIVOLOUS Powerball-winning acquisition goal Mine: a Studebaker that I’d take to the body shop for an Electric Mayhem paint job Another person just mentioned a Linotype machine sure, housing security, debt payoff, but what’s your ridiculous niche desire?
The purest Gen X experience is being called a Boomer by a Millennial and a Millenial by a Boomer.
Make a movie milder: Star Border Incidents
Make a movie milder: Love Lies Napping
The boy this man murdered was named Hazrat Ali Rohani.
Some dude in a Seattle suburb saw three teens about to commit an armed robbery so he stepped in to stop them. Only problem was, they weren't armed and weren't planning a robbery. They were returning a BB gun to Big 5. www.fox13seattle.com/news/teen-sh...
Smart people of bsky: I'm looking for a way to set up a camera to monitor the blinkenlight on my water heater & trigger an alert (IFTTT or maybe send something to Home Assistant) so I know when it's erroring & needs a reset. Googling is not being helpful. Someone have a useful starting point?
There is no "safety" in self-cruelty. Shredding ourselves first will not stop others from hurting us. What it WILL do is make us dislike & distrust ourselves-- & we NEED to be on good terms w/ ourselves, we NEED our head & heart to be safe, if we're gonna realistically recover.
39+ bsky, drop a pic with yr age 57
39+ bsky, drop a pic with yr age 54.
"average president has been convicted of .75 felonies" factoid actualy just statistical error. average president has been convicted of 0 felonies. Felonies Donald, who lives in Florida & commits 34 felonies, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
Today's useful vim-ism - dt[character] and df[character], which delete from current position to next instance of [character]. dt doesn't delete [character]; df does. dt, turns 1,2,3,4 into ,2,3,4; df, turns it into 2,3,4 3df, turns 1,2,3,4 into 4
If you, a white person, feel the need to disguise yourself as a black person for any goddamn reason, how about you just don't?
This. A million times this. There are a lot of us anti-zionist jews out there. The israeli gov is a terrible, fucked up, den of fucked up. That doesn't make us bad jews, and it doesn't mean you get to be antisemitic about it.
Underwhelming celebrity encounters: Stephen King once grabbed me from behind by the shoulders and turned me to the side so he could continue to walk down a theater row without saying “excuse me”.
Underwhelming celebrity encounters: I once gave Michael Dukakis a Kleenex so he could deal with his bloody nose, and Paulina Porizkova once asked me for more ketchup.
It's a mind f*ck when someone who grew up in the same household as you, had a dramatically different experience of life & the adults in the house than you. You need to know that's not uncommon-- & your wounds are valid, whatever anybody else's experience was or wasn't.