
I'm constantly marveling at Trump's luck as a politician. He only won in 2016 because he ran against one of the Democrats' weakest candidates. In 2024 he ends up running against someone even weaker.
He lost the popular vote by almost 3 million after the FBI Director interfered in the election at the last moment. He got a massive assist and won on a technicality.
I would argue a lot of this is luck!
Absolutely! Luck that the smarmiest man in America was FBI director at the time.
And luck that Democrats have a fairly longstanding belief in putting or maintaining conservative Republicans in positions of intelligence, law enforcement, and economic advising.
I still can’t understand why they did this.
Got to show all Americans that we are above all this petty partisanship and have full faith that our dear, beloved, honored, respected, treasured Republican colleagues on the other side of the aisle should help us govern.
That's to the extent that Democrats don't actually hold the intellectual position that conservatives are inherently better at law enforcement, intelligence, military, and economic positions, which I think is actually quite often the belief. Now, excuse me while I blow a hole in my foot again.
More Dem's lack of judgement. They were piling up votes where they did not need them and completely ignoring the people they had always ignored, unless it was to sneer. Numpties.
You mean the party that had broadly popular policies, many of which benefit those people specifically? Or, do you mean that they didn’t do enough racism? Because that is the only thing that Republicans did to appeal to them.
People aren't discussing the luck part of your statement, I don't think. Only the weak part.