Heather M. Collins

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Heather M. Collins


Latter-day Saint. Writer. Holy envy enthusiast. Genealogist. She/Her. Mixed race. Cat lady. Pen thief. Typewriter collector. Dice hoarder. Survivor. Chaotic good.
If you’re in Utah you should come hear some funny people! And also I will be there! Tickets include a book!
I don't comment on major stories, especially those involving violence, for the first 48 hours. It's a rule I've set after 2 decades of being on the Internet. I'm making an exception for the Trump assassination attempt.
#ADHD serenity prayer God grant me the serenity to accept that I won’t finish everything, the courage to try anyway, and the wisdom and the ability to focus on tasks I am most likely to be able to attend to.
Crypto-mining accounts for 2% of all U.S. electricity usage. (Bitcoin alone consumes the same amount of energy as the entire state of Utah.)
Crypto Mining Consumes a Mind-Boggling 2% of U.S. Electricityheatmap.news Bitcoin alone consumes roughly the same amount of energy as Utah.
One of my favorite things about @maklelan.bsky.social is his consistent use of the singular they when referring to deities, demons, angels, etc.
..and now it’s time for Sunday Science..
Measles exposure: Santa Clara County / Santa Cruz County / San Jose airport/Southwest airlines 1. A Starbucks at 624 Blossom Hill Rd. in Los Gatos 2. Taqueria Los Pericos in Santa Cruz 3. San Jose Airport 4. Chicago airport Paywall free link archive.is/2024.07.08-2...
Passengers on Southwest flight out of San Jose may have been exposed to measleswww.sfchronicle.com An adult with measles who flew out of San Jose this month may have exposed others at the airport and on a Southwest flight during their infectious period.
How do I mute the word "rape" on this platform? Do what y'all need to do to try and cajole the opposition into seeing Trump as the predator he always has been. I can't be reminded continually that rape victims have to beg for the dignity to be recognized by an uncaring public anymore.
I've lived in Idaho for a decade. Whenever I see obtuse behavior like this, I call them dirt people because they're determined to keep it so there's nothing to do here but go outside and look at the dirt. Attacking libraries is peak dirt people behavior.
This is one of the most dystopian signs I've ever seen. Republicans are quickly turning this country into an unrecognizable freakshow.
For my LDS friends, I don't like to recklessly apply scripture to politics, but I can't be the only one who has had these words running through my mind all these months, right?
strange women lying in ponds distributing swords actually sounds like a pretty decent alternative right now
I salute E. Jean Carroll and Stormy Daniels for being braver than all three branches of our government.
So the whole approach that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has with gender, and it being an eternal binary and complementary? And they say that binary is necessary because sex is necessary to creation? Let's unpack that and throw it into the recycle bin.
Sex and Gender in Creationwww.memofromheathersdesk.com M82 Galaxy, Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/STScI/CXC/UofA/ESA/AURA/JHU So the whole approach that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ...
"Believe women. Believe our words. Believe in the power of our faith. Believe in the gifts and talents God has given to us. Believe in our potential. Believe in our ministries. Believe our leadership. Believe in us the same way Christ believes in and trusts us."
Holy Week: Resurrectionwww.memofromheathersdesk.com Touch Me Not, Minerva K. Teichert Mary Magdalene is among my favorite women in all of scripture. She is blessed with a personal interaction ...
"What do we learn from Jesus, from his destruction of the temple market? That some evil forces in society cannot be reformed. Reasoning with abusers in ways they don't have to acknowledge, that doesn't cost them anything, isn't a solution for the powerless."
Holy Week: The Cleansing of the Templewww.memofromheathersdesk.com Jesus Cleansing the Temple, Carl Bloch I have seen multiple people on Instagram talking about Jesus cleansing the temple in the final week o...
Who is she? What is her role in our lives? What can we learn from the scriptures about what her life is like, and by extension what our eternal lives as women will be like? www.memofromheathersdesk.com/2017/11/trut...
There are a lot of adults going to church today who are going to be Pikachu-face surprised when they get to judgment and are handed a millstone to place around their necks because of how unsafe they've made this world for children.
I am really tired of think pieces. Only the poets have anything real left to say
To the person named Carol who donated her old Nook to the Idaho Youth Ranch in Eagle: This is the best $13.79 I've ever spent. As it turns out, I don't have any problems with reading. I just hate reading on my phone 🙃
The argument that another Democrat would be a better president than Biden at least makes logical sense. The argument that initiating a chaotic process to replace the incumbent 8 months before an election would be good political strategy is deranged.
A sewing factory in Rafah City has been converted into a production facility for baby diapers to address the shortage caused by the IOF siege, which restricts the entry of most basic necessities needed by Gazans. t.me/QudsNen/96226
Quds News Networkt.me A sewing factory in Rafah City has been converted into a production facility for baby diapers to address the shortage caused by the Israeli siege, which restricts the entry of most basic necessities n...