Minerva Zimmerman

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Minerva Zimmerman


Pretend human and own worst enemy. What am I doing here? Where is this? Do I really need to share my opinion on anything? Why should anyone care? Ignore the creature behind the curtain!!! Do not perceive!
Portland Oregon! Got tech you don’t use anymore? Computers, phones, tablets, games… TuesdayLongway is doing another tech drive to redistribute used tech to folks in need! Email [email protected] #pdx #portland #tech #distro #mutualaid
Ok so I saw the doctor today and a very nice vampire took my blood. I was told to stop the new blood pressure med and offered nerve pain killers? I declined them because that sounded like a terrible idea for me personally and I want to know if there is a problem or not going on
STOKED to see my very good friend and one of my most favorite authors @premeemohamed.com rightly shortlisted for the prestigious Ursula K. Le Guin Prize for Fiction! Premee is doing some of the absolute best work in the field right now and deserves to be recognized for it! 🔥🔥🔥
We're delighted to announce — with help from Electric Literature — the shortlist for the 2024 Ursula K. Le Guin Prize for Fiction. Congratulations to the authors! The recipient of this year's prize will be announced on Ursula's birthday, October 21st. electricliterature.com/announcing-t...
"I'm not obliged to say anything about any subject at all" has been an extremely freeing mantra. Said this in an interview once when asked about some drama or other: "I don't know enough about that to comment." It COMPLETELY took interviewer by surprise. She didn't know how to respond 🤣
Adverb does not feel as emotionally supported by shark sheets as he was by his stuffed shark.
If you think you're going to effect meaningful political change by yelling at people, at least yell at the right people, not just the right there people.
Every space is a liminal space if you can never remember what you came into a room for.
Human made art! I painted a Momma Beholder while Doom slept.
Strange Horizons is at $19178 out of $20000 to add a novelette to next year's roster!! They have FIVE HOURS left to close that margin! www.kickstarter.com/projects/str...
Strange Horizons 2025www.kickstarter.com A free weekly speculative fiction magazine with a global perspective.
Dreamed I was somehow in a T. Kingfisher novel about semi-sentient cucumbers that grew in the dark. Woke myself up when I realized this was not a fantasy novel nor was there a romance (Uh oh….)
My kid thought this said DONUTS KILLED MY WIFE and I have been laughing for almost 20 minutes now
You need this today. For morale.
When do I get to live in NOT interesting times
My latest Guardian Books cartoon.
This was The Matrix (before The Matrix) meets Memento (before Memento). This movie is spectacular.
Dark City (1998) is on Tubi right now and it's fucking great, I can't believe I hadn't seen this film before. I normally fall asleep next to my dog while trying to watch movies at night but I watched this one all the way through without even yawning, strongly recommended
I appear to have QC’d and stress tested the patient communication system at my local medical complex trying to get timely responses. Getting healthcare is exhausting and time consuming especially outside of emergency situations.
Lia made this last fall season. Seems relevant with the theme announcement. We are adding brooches and haircombs as options, though the crafters for those items are more limited. (brooches, sara eileen/lia), haircombs becky.
Dear customers please help me with my obsession and by help me I mean let me make more crow/raven things ok thanks
For anyone keeping tabs or who's interested in our next round of Mystery Boxes: Our fall theme is THE TELLTALE BOX. It's a gothic box with an old world feel, and yes, you can expect ravens. Preorders go live JULY 22nd and end AUGUST 16TH. We fill orders FIRST COME FIRST SERVED.
All episodes of Shelley Duvall’s FAERIE TALE THEATRE are on Internet Archive, if you’d like to enjoy the second act pivot that made her iconic for ‘80s and ‘90s kids. archive.org/details/fgtd5r #ShelleyDuvall
TOMORROW!!! Join @premeemohamed.com and me virtually for some enthralling discussion and possibly double finger guns! 11:00 am PST / 7:00 pm BST!! We’d love to see you all there and we’d love it if you’d spread the word!
🚨ONLINE EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT!🚨 7pm BST 12/7 FREE Live or on catch-up For our first #SolarisPresents, we're delighted to welcome @premeemohamed.com (THE SIEGE OF BURNING GRASS) and @mattfnwallace.bsky.social (SAVAGE COMPANY) to discuss writing conflict in SciFi and Fantasy! https://bit.ly/3VMLY86#SolarisPresents, we're delighted to welcome @premeemohamed.com (THE SIEGE OF BURNING GRASS) and @mattfnwallace.bsky.social (SAVAGE COMPANY) to discuss writing conflict in SciFi and Fantasy! https://bit.ly/3VMLY86
This concert sucks.
Hey folks. This guy <-- gave these two --> a respiratory infection. I was in Tufts emergency with with Coal and I'm bringing ALL THREE to the vet today. Two of them are insured but I need to front the cash and that's my grocery money. ... care for any jewelry? www.peculiarityshop.com
The previous administration did a LOT of damage by just... not enforcing normal government oversight and just not scheduling meetings that were required before enforcement could go forward across all agencies. It was absolutely malicious and on purpose.
The IRS reported Wednesday that it has collected $1 billion in taxes and penalties owed by hundreds of wealthy households who accumulated past-due tax debts for years while IRS enforcement dwindled.
IRS reports collecting $1 billion from rich households’ back taxeswapo.st For years, the tax agency simply didn’t try collecting sizable debts owed by 1,600 filers with annual incomes of at least $1 million.
These are FANTASTIC! If you like Jim Henson's The Storyteller these are right up your alley. There are a couple episodes on YT and hopefully some streaming service will put them up in full.
in all the (appropriate) memorializing of Shelley Duvall as a performer in the work of male auteur directors, spare a thought for her own auteur work: Faerie Tale Theatre was one of the few actually good media products aimed at children in the 1980s, but because it didn't sell toys it's forgotten
how it feels to live in america
New Story Day: “I’ll Miss Myself” is out at @reactorsff.bsky.social! "I'll Miss Myself" is about an app that shows you every parallel universe version of yourself--or so it says. But the app might be hiding something from all of you. reactormag.com/ill-miss-mys...
I'll Miss Myself - Reactorreactormag.com A man using a social media app that reaches across dimensions to talk to himself in different timelines, discovers some of his problems are universal...and some are not...